Coronavirus Colombia | Dane reveals death toll from covid-19 – Health


The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) revealed this Friday the third report on deaths from covid-19 in the country, which is part of its vital statistics and includes confirmed deaths, under investigation and also a comparison with those caused by pneumonia and influenza and excess mortality between March 2 and August 23.

(Also: ‘Covid may be the leading cause of death in Latin America this year’)

In that period of time, 17,803 people died in Colombia from covid-19 confirmed by PCR molecular tests, 7,257 from symptoms related to the disease, although they had no proof, and 3,984 from pneumonia and influenza, according to the information downloaded by the Dane del Single Registry of Affiliates (RUAF-ND) of the Ministry of Health.

The Dane begins by clarifying that This information differs from the daily reports provided by the Ministry of Health because it is fed directly by health providers to the surveillance system established by the authorities for this purpose. For the sample is that the portfolio on August 23 had confirmed 17,316 deaths.

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According to experts, these data provided by Dane are the closest approximation to the impact of the pandemic in the country in terms of deaths, since it also takes into account death certificates and an analysis in populations that accounts for the ravages of this wrong.

In the second report of this type, it had been said that between March 2 and July 19 in Colombia there were 9,124 confirmed deaths from the disease caused by Sars-CoV-2 and 3,506 suspects. The figures presented this Friday (which go until August 23) double those values.

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Specific, Bogotá concentrates 27.2 percent of all deaths confirmed by covid-19 and 18.9 percent of all suspected, adding between the two 6,219 (4,844 and 1,375, respectively).

It is followed by the Atlantic, which had 3,130 confirmed deaths from covid (17.6 percent compared to the country) and 1,049 suspects (14.5 percent).

“In week 31 (from July 27 to August 2), Bogotá displaced the Atlantic as the area where the highest number of confirmed deaths from covid-19 occurs,” highlights the Dane.

(Can read: Covid-19: 270 more deaths and 9,583 new recovered)

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