Coronavirus Colombia: Colombians will be able to verify vaccination shift with the Mi Vacuna app – People – Culture


Colombia, like a lot of countries in the world, is organizing the protocols it will use to vaccinate the population against the new coronavirus.

In the first months of this 2021, according to the national government itself, the process will begin.

The first to receive the medicine will be older than 60 years, older than 16 with any of the nine comorbidities that were defined (including hypertension, diabetes, and cancer) and health personnel.

(We recommend: This will be the vaccination plan against the new coronavirus in Colombia).

So far, the country has millions of vaccines negotiated with different developers: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and the Covax mechanism (a multilateral agreement to ensure that medicine reaches, in an equitable way, all corners of the world).

(You may be interested: Colombia buys 9 million vaccines from Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary).

But, beyond the information of when the vaccination will begin and which population group will be the first, Do you know, precisely, how do you know when it will be your turn?

(Also read: The nurse who has not been home for 10 months to take care of grandparents).

Here we tell you.

The country has millions of vaccines negotiated with different developers of the same: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and the Covax mechanism

The application

As reported by the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, Colombians will know their vaccination shift through an application, which will also be a web page, called Mi Vacuna.


The Minister of Health of Colombia, Fernando Ruiz

“The tool already has the databases and thus it will be possible to consult the nominal lists of those who will be vaccinated in the first phases,” said the Minister, in statements collected by the magazine ‘Dinero’.

(See: The story behind a photo of doctors next to the bed of a woman with covid).

He also explained that these databases were created with information reported by the country’s EPS, and that these entities, as well as the IPS, will have the task of reporting “all the diagnoses of their patients to update the waiting line for the vaccine.”

My Vaccine will also allow those who believe that they should receive priority attention to receive the drug to make the request, with all the arguments that support it.

(Read: Decree signed that gives way to the approval of covid vaccines in Colombia).

Ruiz made it clear that constant controls and audits will be carried out on the application of the vaccine and asked people not to resort to guardianship to be vaccinated first, but to respect shifts.

Finally, he assured that private vaccinations are allowed, but “They must meet all the requirements demanded by Invima.”

(We recommend: 67% of Colombians would apply the vaccine against covid-19).

Until January 1, 2020, Colombia registered 1.6 million total coronavirus infections (more than 86,000 active) and more than 43,000 deaths.

