Coronavirus Colombia: biosecurity protocols in public swimming pools and residential complexes – Health


The Ministry of Health established the protocol for the use of swimming pools that apply to
swimming pools for collective use open to the public, such as those in vacation and recreational centers, schools, entities or associations, hotels, motels or similar; swimming pools for restricted use, located in private clubs, condominiums or residential complexes; swimming pools owned by a single dwelling or others for special use.

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The first thing that the health portfolio notices is that the places must have the necessary infrastructure to apply the established measures or the service will not be able to be enabled.

Regarding the facilities, it is made to eliminate, suppress or deactivate the accesses that require contact, such as pins, fingerprint recognition and / or turnstiles, and where possible, differentiate an entrance door and an exit door. In addition, the
use of water sources is prohibited.

Additionally, the capacity will be determined according to the total capacity of the pool and whether it is indoors or outdoors. (In the resolution you will find the table to determine the capacity).

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In measures for workers, it is noted that swimming instructors must wear face masks, masks or any element of facial protection that allows the development of activities and users must permanently wear the mask, covering the nose and mouth. When entering the water, it must be stored in a bag, to be used again when leaving the pool.

In addition, they should shower quickly, preferably in areas

Measures for the user:

– Use the mask permanently covering the nose and mouth. When entering the water, the mask should be kept in a bag, to be used again once the person is out of the water.

– Maintain the physical distance of two meters between person and person different from their family group, especially in places and areas marked to line up.

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– Allow taking the temperature upon admission.

– Carry out hand washing with soap and drinking water at least every 3 hours, when
enter or when hands are contaminated with respiratory secretion, after
from coughing or sneezing, before and after using the bathroom or when they are visibly
dirty. Keep in mind that hand washing should last a minimum of 20 to 30

– Have a kit that contains at least 60% glycerinated alcohol, disinfectant towels, and face masks.

– Refrain from entering if you have suspicious symptoms of covid-19, it has been
diagnosed as positive and has not completed the isolation period required to overcome the disease, or has cold symptoms.

– Find out about the conditions of use, access and capacity of the establishment or property with a swimming pool. Do not share towels or other personal items. Use clean, dry towels.

– Monitor minors and insist that they comply with preventive measures.

– Follow the rules and recommendations for use of the swimming pool establishment and respect the instructions given.

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– Leave the pool as soon as possible if you have symptoms compatible with covid-19,
respiratory symptoms or fever and consult the EPS.

– Always shower before and after bathing in the pool pond.

See here the resolution with all the measures:

Twitter: @LuisaMercadoD
If you have any questions about this issue, you can send them to the email [email protected]
