CORONAVIRUS: Are protests a source of coronavirus contagion ?: This is what experts think


Health authorities show great concern, as they fear that the crowds in the demonstrations will increase the contagion of coronavirus in the coming days.

For infectologists, the loss of social distancing increases the possibility of virus transmission, more hospitalizations and an increase in ICU occupancy.

The infectologist, Carlos Álvarez, pointed out Snail News that: “It is important to bear in mind that the pandemic has not ended, that the change in mobility strategy must maintain and force to be very strict from a personal and collective point of view in physical distancing and self-care. Failure to do so will end in a higher risk of outbreaks and increases in cases because unfortunately there are still many people who have not been infected ”.

The health authorities fear that the advances with the educational and pedagogical measures made during the isolation will end in regression and involution.

“We observe precarious measures and a loss of concern about contact isolation and the inappropriate use of masks and it distresses us health personnel a bit, because they are situations that are associated with an increase in the number of cases in the next days ”, assured Ronald Medina, epidemiologist.

“The right to protest is constitutionally protected as long as it is peaceful. We are in a pandemic and We are already the sixth country in the world by number of infections and the eleventh in deaths”, Said Dionne Alexandra Cruz, president of the Colombian Public Health Association.

The need to reduce the spread of the virus with the proper use of a mask, social distancing of at least two meters and constant hand washing is still latent.

Let us remember that in the country there are 95,398 active cases and a total of 22,518 deaths.

Are protests a source of coronavirus contagion ?: This is what experts think


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