Controversy over the assistance of Minister of Justice Wilson Ruiz to the Colombia – Venezuela party – Investigative Unit


The Colombian National Team plays against Chile tonight and there is still controversy over the special guests who – despite health restrictions – attended the match in which they defeated Venezuela 3-0, at the Barranquilla Metropolitan.

One of them was the newly installed Minister of Justice, Wilson Ruiz – and his two sons – who has chosen to remain silent on the issue.

(It may interest you: Charges will be charged to a former prosecutor in the case of reselling tickets)

In a statement, the Federation assured that all biosecurity protocols were met by the covid and that there was a lower capacity than authorized.

EL TIEMPO established that Ruiz justifies his presence in the Metropolitan in the fact that he has been a member of the Federation’s Disciplinary Committee, on the part of Dimayor, for a month.

(You may be interested: Case against soccer ‘czars’ goes to criminal justice and the United States)

That is why the Colombian Football Federation (FCF) called him to extend accreditations for the match.

According to those close to the Minister, as his children are soccer players -one plays in the lower divisions of Unión Magdalena and another in Seguros la Equidad-, he requested accreditation for all three.


On the first date of the qualifiers to Qatar 2022, Colombia beat Venezuela 3-0, while Chile lost against Uruguay (2-1). They both go for everything.

‘There is no incompatibility’

Ernesto Lucena

Ernesto Lucena, Minister of Sports, asked to investigate the leadership of Fedef Fútbol.


Press Ministry of Sports

According to sources close to the Minister, before accepting the Justice portfolio, he evaluated the possible incompatibilities and found none.

(Also: The audios of the alleged murky payment to the football ‘czars’)

In addition, he clarified that they have not yet distributed files and that in the event that the case of the resale of tickets comes to him, he will not accept it because it is in the hands of other authorities.

It is worth remembering that the Sports Minister himself, Ernesto Lucena, (Wilson Ruiz’s cabinet partner) asked that the Fedef Fútbol leadership be investigated for these events.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

Indeed, Lucena assured that the soccer czars could leave their posts, due to the criminal scope of the investigations.

“This could lead to the suspension and a change of members of the executive committee of the Federation. There, because they are criminal actions of the State, we would have to speak with FIFA to work in a temporary commission to resume the actions of the Federation, ”Minister Lucena said a few weeks ago.

And he added: “If they are losing their legitimacy, the best thing would be to retire from office, but they have every possibility to defend themselves and then return if everything goes well,” he emphasized.

For now, the file has been finalized by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and is now being evaluated by the United States Attorney’s Office and justice.

Indeed, as EL TIEMPO revealed exclusively, Superintendent Andrés Barreto confirmed the millionaire fine, for more than 18,000 million pesos against the Federation, its members and various individuals.

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