Colpensiones obtained more than $ 243,000 million in profits in 2020


This was reported during his public accountability hearing. It also reported 79,000 new pensioners and 70,000 new ones linked to the BEPS program.

This Friday, Colpensiones virtually broadcast its public accountability hearing for 2020. Its president, Juan Miguel Villa, announced the results of the operation of the Average Premium Regime (RPM), the Periodic Economic Benefits program ( BEPS), the Wellbeing Model and the digital transformation that the entity had during 2020, among other aspects.

For the fourth year in a row, Colpensiones obtained profits of more than $ 243,000 million, the result of the highest exercise in its history. In addition, it reported 79,000 new pensioners during 2020. Since the creation of Colpensiones, the number of new old-age pensioners has reached 610,000.

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“This audience is different from other years because today we tell the country the results of a job carried out in a particularly difficult period for everyone, where each one had to adapt to new circumstances and despite this, from Colpensiones we continue to work for the Colombians, protecting their contributions and savings, and paying their pension allowances and life annuities on time, “said Villa.

The official also highlighted the challenges for 2021 regarding the entry into operation of Decree 1174, which regulated the Social Protection Floor (PPS), a mechanism for Colombians who do not work full time, earn less than a minimum wage and for this reason do not contribute to the General Pension System.

“With the Floor we have the goal of reaching more than 9 million citizens, reducing social inequality through the expansion of subsidized health coverage, protection in old age with the BEPS Program and access to inclusive insurance that it protects against contingencies derived from the trade or activity ”, he pointed out.

It may interest you: Decree 1174, What is the social protection floor and why has it generated concern?

In the context of the pandemic, the administrator optimized several processes digitally. On the one hand, it created an electronic office and enabled online procedures on its website. It reported more than 7 million transactions through this channel, 48,000 new electronic affiliations and almost 13,000 requests to transfer the electronic regime.

Along these lines, he reported that the reduction in the outflow of affiliates to private funds went from 4,417 in 2019 to 987 for the cutoff of December 2020. And he added that it has 6’811,214 affiliates to the Average Premium Regime, a third of the affiliated with the General Pension System in Colombia.

According to Colpensiones, in 2020 it advanced in the banking of 97% of its pensioners. He states that today 1’454,917 Colombians receive their pension in a bank account.

Likewise, it implemented the express linking service to the BEPS program from the electronic headquarters. Through this means, 1,838 connections were reached in 2020, with a total of 70,000 new ones in 2020. Currently, there are 1,480,630 Colombians in the BEPS program.
