Colombians repatriated in the middle of the coronavirus emergency – Government – Politics


As of Friday, May 8, 3,088 Colombians had been repatriated from different parts of the world, in the midst of the health emergency being experienced by the new coronavirus.

The more than 3,000 nationals They returned to the country on 28 flights from 18 different territories.

“One of our priorities, in the midst of the pandemic, is to support, accompany and repatriate Colombians who are stranded abroad”, Claudia Blum, the chancellor, assured.

In the coming days, more than 800 people will reach Colombian soil on flights from Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, India and Australia.

“We are aware of the difficulties these compatriots face. Every reported case hurts us, every story that comes to us through consulates and embassies, and even through the media, ”added Blum.

The Foreign Minister recalled that these repatriations are made on flights paid by travelers to airlines and after receiving authorization for humanitarian reasons.

He also left that those who return to Colombia must commit to comply with the migration and health protocols, “And quarantines, which are rigorously monitored to protect health.”

“Those who demonstrate financial incapacity are offered temporary financial assistance, after registering with consulates,” Blum said.

Those who demonstrate financial incapacity are offered temporary financial assistance, after registering with consulates.

Likewise, the receipt of donations was reported in recent days by various states.

“China, for example, donated Biosafety material and diagnostic tests, worth 1.5 million dollars. South Korea gave $ 500,000 for the acquisition of coronavirus diagnostic tests. And Japan announced a donation for 4.5 million dollars in health supplies to be defined by the Government, “he said.

Other countries that have contributed to Colombia are the United States, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and Germany.

