Colombian soccer would be played in four venues: News Colombia today | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League


Colombian soccer would be played in four venues: News Colombia today | Colombian Soccer | BetPlay League | Soccer<br />

Minister Ernesto Lucena referred to the option of not being in one venue but in several.

Atanasio Girardot Stadium

Atanasio Girardot Stadium in Medellín


CEET / Daniel Bustamante

From Dimayor and the national government they are still looking for alternatives for the return of Colombian soccer and one of them had been that the entire championship be played in a single venue and Cali had expressed its intention to receive it.

However, this Friday, in statements by the Minister of Health, Ernesto Lucena, the alternative of playing in a single venue was almost ruled out.

“Talking to the president, we said that a single headquarters, due to logistics, could generate health problems or that the city could not resist so many players and all their environments. So one of the proposals would be that after the training phase is over, you can play in four venues, “said the minister.

And is that one of the reasons for football to be played in four venues is that not all stadiums in the country are able to receive football with optimal health conditions.

“The specifications say that additional dressing rooms are needed to keep the distance and there are cities that do not comply. There is a lot of filigree yet to be decided for the return of Colombian football to take place, “said Lucena.

In addition, the minister noted that the guideline is that everything is articulated, so soccer will not be able to make particular decisions about returning to normal activities.

