Colombian influencer who says she hates Colombia


On the Instagram account @danielaardilam, Daniela Ardila was talking about her future projects with her followers and it was at that moment when she expressed some words that have made her much better known.

She assured that she was willing to leave the country and “work as a waitress while. I feel sorry for that zero“, A fairly normal fact among young people who go to other countries and exercise this type of occupation.

However, then the words began by which many of his followers and the other people who have also received the video were offended.

Here in Colombia a little yes, gas (work as a waitress), but in another country I don’t even feel sorry take bus. Here I disgust, fear, everything. You know that I hate Colombia, but hey; I’m from here, I had to put up with myself and nothing to do ”, assured the ‘influencer’.

Within their 15 thousand followers began to have many offensive responses, so in the same way she responded to those who were attacking her and even denounced her Instagram profile.

“I was referring to the fact that work in Colombia is very poorly paid and they exploit us too much. That’s why I want to go ”, was one of the arguments he gave.

On his “disgust” and “fear” of buses, he expressed that “who likes the bus? I mean, I don’t think I have to explain it again. ANDThe bus, besides being physically ugly, there is no security. I don’t feel good on a bus: either they can rape me or they can murder me, especially as a woman. So, it is that fear and in other countries that has not happened to me ”.

To appease the spirits of the people who criticized her, she said that “I hope you understand what I was going for and do not misrepresent my word agains ”because“ when watching a story of only 15 seconds people can think what they want, so hopefully for 15 seconds they will never be judged ”.

However, on the morning of this Thursday, March 4, the Instagram account no longer exists and of his words there is only evidence in some videos. What he has not deleted is his YouTube channel, although on this platform he only has five videos and 302 followers.
