Colombian households suspended daily meals due to COVID-19


Juan Daniel Oviedo, director of the entity, mentioned in Noticias Caracol that almost three-quarters of Colombian (urban) households are “very concerned” because their economic situation worsened compared to what happened a year ago. “There is almost a consensus, because 91% of households consider that the situation in the country worsened significantly,” he said.

The official mentioned in the middle that, of the 7.9 million households represented in the survey, 6.9 million had said last year that they had for “their three daily blows”, that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner; However, As a result of the pandemic, many of them had to reduce their rations.

“In the midst of the pandemic, of those 6.9 million households, 1.4 million households; in other words, almost 21% of them had to put two or even one meal a day on their tables, ”Oviedo said on the news.

There is more hunger in Colombia due to COVID-19

Director Oviedo stressed that these figures clearly show that “there is more hunger in the country” due to the serious impact of the economic crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of household income, which has had collateral effects on the mental health of Colombians. “It influences domestic violence, in addition to the conflict that we have seen in recent days”, sentenced the director of the Dane.

“Indeed, the pandemic has touched a fundamental element in the behavior of Colombian households, which is their eating habits,” added the head of the statistical authority in the newscast.

Regarding the country’s improvement expectations, the director Oviedo highlighted in the media that, according to the survey, only a minority of households consider that things can be positive over the next year, which means that the pandemic has significantly affected the mood of households.

“86% of households tell us that today they see more difficulties, even to acquire basic necessities such as clothes, food and clothing. Only 10% consider that, given a possible improvement in the economy in the next 12 months, they will go on vacation, “concluded the director of Dane in Noticias Caracol.
