COLOMBIAN FOOTBALL | In less than 24 hours Dimayor will answer questions from the Ministry of Sports about the protocol for the return of Colombian football


After the National Government responded for the first time to the document that proposes a rigorous series of health measures that allow the resumption of the FPC, the president of the highest organizing body of the FPC made an important clarification. It is that, according to Jorge Enrique Vélez, e less than 24 hours Dimayor will answer questions from the Ministry of Sport about protocol for the return of Colombian football.

Recently, the Ministry of Sport presented a document in which it presents 10 questions to Dimayor about the health protocol, which once answered will go to a second review in the Ministry of Health. Already with the endorsement of the two ministries, the national football would have ‘green light’ to return to dispute after several months of suspension.

In less than 24 hours Dimayor will answer questions from the Ministry of Sport about the protocol for the return of the FPC:

Jorge Enrique Vélez, president of the Dimayor, gave a interview to the program ‘6 AM Hoy por Hoy’ on Caracol Radio, in which he stated that the organization’s response to the first doubts of the National Government will be made sooner than expected. These statements were reproduced by the AS Colombia portal:

“These are very easy questions to answer for us, I will have a teleconference with the people who developed the protocol. There are some topics that are from Dimayor and others from the Federation doctors, and we hope to be able to give an answer this afternoon or tomorrow at the latest .

I have to emphasize that the Government has worked intensively to review it, we are very calm, the issue of the Ministry of Health is missing and we hope that it will also be this week, but I think we are progressing well in a protocol that we have called the protocol of life because for us the priority is the life of the players “

We have to be sure that the 22 players plus the referees, when they are on the court, none are infected. That is why this protocol is so strict that the Ministry has spent its time to review it. If you see it, it is much stricter even than the protocol of the Spanish league or the Portuguese league, and in that we have to be sure that none of them have and the problem of sweating will not be a problem because not having a positive no person is going to be infected “

>> More news on Colombian football at ComuTricolor <<
