Colombia will regularize Venezuelan migrants


Through the Temporary Statute of Protection for Venezuelan Migrants, Etpv, announced this Monday after the meeting between President Iván Duque and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, Colombia will regularize all Venezuelan citizens who entered the country at the January 31, 2021.

“It is an advance that marks a milestone in Colombia’s process of welcoming and integrating the migrant population (…) and confirms Colombia as a world benchmark in migratory processes”, reads in sections of the document, which will be valid for 10 years.


The measure applies in this way to Venezuelans “who are in Colombia in an irregular situation on January 31, 2021” and for this “they must provide summary and suitable evidence on the date of entry before the entry into force of the statute”

This strategy, conceived between the Foreign Ministry and Migration Colombia, will be administered and implemented by the immigration authority.

Those who want to apply for the benefit must present an identity document, minors a birth certificate, an express declaration of the intention to remain in Colombia temporarily and the authorization to collect biometric data.

By virtue of the statute, a Permit for Temporary Protection, PPT, will be issued in this sense by Migration, which will be a plastic document with the corresponding security conditions.

The requirements to receive regularization are to be included in the Single Registry of Migrants; not have a record, annotations or administrative or judicial processes in progress and not have administrative immigration investigations in progress.

Likewise, the beneficiary may not have against him / her expulsion, deportation or economic sanction measures in force; and he must not have ongoing investigations or convictions for crimes committed in Colombia.

And the benefits are: the authorization to remain in Colombia under special immigration regularity conditions for the term of validity of the statute, to exercise during its validity any activity or legal occupation in the country, including those derived from a relationship or employment contract and to prove Stay in Colombia to accumulate the time required to apply for a resident visa.

“Worse than Syria”

When presenting the good news, President Iván Duque explained that “with the Temporary Protection Statute we have a roadmap for the regularization of the Venezuelan brothers fleeing to Colombia, to know who they are, how old they are, where they are and their socioeconomic conditions. to give them more attention and greater stability ”.

Before a group of ambassadors led by the Vatican Nuncio, Monsignor Luis Mariano Montemayor, dean of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Colombia, Duque also warned that the Venezuelan migratory crisis has already overcome that of Syria, which was considered the most serious in the world, and asserted that “there are more than 6 million Venezuelan brothers who have left their country” due to economic, political and social problems.
