Colombia vs Chile team today: result, goals, details, Qualifiers Qatar 2022 | Colombia selection


Eternally Falcao! Colombia owes its historic scorer nothing less than the agonizing draw against Chile, in Santiago, on the second day of this Qatar 2022 Qualifier, which will be remembered for how long that lonely point suffered.

‘El Tigre’ resolved a question, the only one in Chile, and gave Colombia the 2-2 that it signed towards the end and that leaves 4 points out of 6 possible, a phenomenal balance to start the most difficult qualifying tournament in the world. world.

In case there were not enough videos, Zapata and Mojica soon warmed up: the first minute the Atalanta men joined and the headbutt of the man at the tip of Colombia was almost deflected.

The local response came immediately, a very dangerous center of Vidal, who appeared only on the right and fortunately found no destination.

And then, the first party of the night would arrive at 6 minutes, a brave recovery by Medina ended in a fabulous center that surpassed Duván but not Lerma, who appeared with a header to the floor to put Colombia to win when the game it was barely dawn. First goal, first kiss to the shield, first hug. Unforgettable Lerma!

But Chile took the blow with height and approached with Alexis and Vargas, the latter clearer at 16 in a heads-up that was won by the other Vargas, Camilo, the goalkeeper who snatched the ball from his feet. The best-earned scolding in the world of Lerma was won by the central defender in the riff-raff with Vidal, who was left sown in the middle and was only disarmed with an infraction.

A first yellow would come to Dávinson, for lack of Alexis, away from the area … unnecessary with only 21 minutes of play.

But hey, the rival plays and fights and also suffers because at 23 it was again Lerma who on his excursion from his own field finished off to force the goalkeeper’s slap. The game that was played in Valle del Cauca!

And then the misfortune, or the VAR, which for the purpose was the same, because Chile did not have a single goal option and technology would solve it when discovering the lack of Lerma himself in the area, in a very fair action that Vidal , the affected, charged flawlessly for the 1-1 partial tie. Just when Colombia played the best … of course, that’s why it’s called misfortune.

James’ free kick went to the rostrum and in the front arc an unforced error of those that the Chilean team charges with blood: Cuadrado got entangled when trying to evacuate, Dávinson did not arrive and in front, already without the overwhelming mark of Medina, Alexis appeared to capitalize on the error in his first real goal arrival in 40 minutes. A blink, comeback, two goals, yellow for James for an awkward mark, Mojica suffered as condemned against Isla, Duván sent her to the moon … All wrong. At a good moment the whistle came.

Although in the first minute of the complement, Vargas again broke behind and forced Camilo to shine. The DT trusted that Alzate would be a partner for a little influential James so far, he sacrificed Lerma the attacker to send him to reinforce the right -because there was no other without Medina- and finally at 51 he was going to decide that one that was not to Santiago: Muriel, the hero of Barranquilla.

But time passed and all the 10 societies with Mojica, with Lerma, with Cuadrado, what worked so well against Venezuela, was like so many things in the country: divine on paper, impossible in reality.

Morelos came to the game and Colombia breathed a little, which saw at 62 a controversial action reviewed by VAR, a goal play after James’ corner kick, although a previous offensive foul ruined Dávinson’s celebration.

With patience he approached the Chilean area but without Zapata’s usual touch there was not much danger, and instead each rival’s exit penetrated like a dagger. And then the DT kicked the board: Barrios left and Falcao arrived, a brave bet to go for the tie at any price, understanding perhaps that the midfield was not the strong point of Rueda’s team but the sides, and that supported the sacrifice of 4-3-3. Three nines on the field! All a novelty.

Murillo was a fourth attacker even with his sustained jump, he had up to three options, one on the end that was barely deflected, but nothing seemed to penetrate a Chilean defense that could play three more games like this, sheltered and betting against, with confidence that only gives a comeback.

And then the three 9s turned it around: Morelos had him in a tangle in the local rear and he was left paying nobody, Falcao, who has one, one that ensures. Golazo! Time was a national ally and yes, Colombia tied and added a point, a hoot on a very hard court. We have to celebrate it!
