Colombia team today: Jorge Luis Pinto is running to replace Queiroz, it would be an honor, says | Colombia selection


The analysis of the CVs for the coach of the Colombian Senior National Team has formally begun. And since God helps those who get up early, there is an aspirant who has already raised his hand.

The recent statement by the president of the Colombian Football Federation (FCF), Ramón Jesurún, about his preference for a Colombian coach, has given many enthusiasm, including Jorge Luis Pinto.

“Directing Colombia would be an honor for me; I tell the Colombian Football Federation to choose the highest bidder, without personalities and thinking of the Colombian National Team in the plural, to find a way to qualify for the Qatar 2022 World Cup”, commented who He was already on the national bench in 2007, “said the coach in statements to RCN Radio.

Knowing the details of the qualifying rounds, the management of the national teams and the planning, the Santander understands that he would meet the requirements, although he is also aware that he does not have them all with him for a possible return.

“Colombia is at a limit point that can define qualification for the World Cup, but there are many games missing where it will be possible to get a place in the new World Cup,” he added.

Pinto understood the end of the Portuguese DT cycle because it is what he has experienced in the past: “Queiroz’s departure is surprising, but we live subject to the results as coaches; anyway, this is what football has and it’s a shame that a two-year process of working, studying and analyzing the staff is lost, but we must also assume that this is our reality as technicians “.

Pinto has just left the United Arab Emirates and that is why he is clear about the difficulties of directing in a foreign country, as happened to Queiroz: “Directing in another continent is very different, the forms, conditions, customs and Queiroz lacked living the Colombian soccer from the inside. It took time to define the main team, the starter, six months ago he had to have the team ready to compete. He was left in a stage where he could not unite all the chips. “
