Colombia selection today About $ 3.4 million

northAdie said his arrival would be a piece of cake. Although his name is very popular, the simple fact of leaving the Chilean team it won’t be so cheap to Reinaldo Rueda. The Colombian strategist, who continues to go high to be Carlos Queiroz’s replacement, has encountered a path of thorns in the last hours, since his resignation from La Roja will end in a figure of 3.4 million dollars.
And it is that from the Football Federation of Chile nobody puts a hand brake on his possible departure, but s make it clear that in case of abandoning this project, the cost will be like an arm and a leg.
“The doors will not be closed if he decides to leave. We are willing to sit down and talk with him. But your departure will not be free, there is an indemnity that by contract of him and his technical body must comply “, assured a source of the ANFP to the austral newspaper The Mercury. As it is, Reinaldo Rueda would have to pay 2.2 million of dollars for his exit and, 1.2 million for the technical body that accompanies it.
As if that were not enough, the manager added: “If it were any other selection or team, he would say no immediately, but if it is the selection of his country I think it will leave. And finally, he expressed: “He knows that the media in general does not want him, that the current leadership did not bring him and that there are directors who prefer that he leave. He is a gentleman, he likes to fulfill his commitments, but if they give him the chance to leave, I think he will look for the way out. “