Colombia Selection: Flight from Europe brings to Barranquilla the summoned | Colombia selection


They are already on their way! The Colombian delegation departed on a private flight from European territory and this Monday will arrive in Barranquilla, host of the first qualifying match against Venezuela, on October 9.

Juan Guillermo Cuadrado, James Rodríguez, Jéfferson Lerma, Jhon Lucumí, Santiago Arias, Yerry Mina, Steven Alzate, Wílmar Barrios, Dávinson Sánchez, Falcao García, Duván Zapata, Luis Muriel, Johan Mojica, Jeison Murillo, Jhon Córdoba and Alfredo Morelos, as well as Carlos Queiroz, Oceano Cruz, Des Mc Aleenan, Sebastiao Mendes, Joao Pexeiro and Micael Rocha, members of the coaching staff.

“We are very excited to qualify for a World Cup again, this group has been working for many years and that will help us. Let’s hope we can give our best and do the job that the coaching staff asks of us … I am very happy to be part of the Colombian National Team, I had been working very hard to achieve it, it is a dream come true and I hope to be able to give my best me to be able to contribute to the team ”said the debutant in selection, Jhon Córdoba.

Jhon Cordoba


Taken from Instagram @ jhoncordoba9

Luis Muriel, a regular at the team’s calls, said: “It is always a reason for joy, pride and satisfaction to be part of the Colombian National Team. Within minutes of flying to my country, you begin to feel a great adrenaline rush. I see the group very motivated here at the meeting place, since we are all already in selection mode and preparing what is coming ”.

Others who celebrated the call and declared themselves excited to return to the national team, in addition to Mina, Falcao and James, were Duván Zapata and Dávinson Sánchez.

Duvan Zapata


Taken from Instagram @ duvanzapata91

Dávinson Sánchez


Taken from Instagram @ daosanchez13
