Colombia Selection Call: this is how forwards, James, Falcao, Morelos Duvan, numbers | Colombia selection


The call for the Colombian National Team was known and one of the few lines without further discussion was the attack. Or not?

Coach Carlos Queiroz decided on his players more regularly, for those who are better in Europe, for those who seem fixed since he took over as national coach.

Beyond the detail, which says a lot, of including James Rodríguez as a forward and not as a midfielder, the usual names go into attack: Alfredo Morelos (Rangers), Radamel Falcao García (Galatasaray), Duván Zapata (Atalanta), Luis Fernando Muriel (Atalanta), Luis Díaz (Porto)

How do the chosen arrive? The constant is that they come without much competition due to the late start of the season, forced by the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

At that point, James and Morelos are the most active. The first, newcomer to English Everton, completes 4 games, 144 minutes and 1 goal. But more than that, he has participated in at least 15 goal plays, permanently changing the attack of the Liverpool club, which is one of the leaders of the Premier League, with perfect performance. From the insignificance in Real Madrid to the prominence in Everton, like this, without scales. Happily.

Morelos, meanwhile, already has 10 games played and 5 goals scored, a mark difficult for his coach Steven Gerrard to ignore, beyond his explosive character.

The eternal discussion between Falcao and Duván Zapata favors the captain at this start of the season: 4 games played and 3 goals, compared to 2 games and no scores. Luis Muriel, another of the regulars, arrives with 2 games and 1 goal and the label of one of the best substitutes in Europe: in 2019/2020 it took him a few minutes to break the statistics.

And then, the discussion: Luis Díaz. The Porto player, one of coach Queiroz’s weaknesses, arrives with 1 game and 1 goal this season.

Many wonder if it could not have been an opportunity for men like Rafael Santos Borré (River Plate), who does not compete in the Argentine Super League (not yet restarted) but has 4 Copa Libertadores games in the year, two ‘post-pandemic’ and 2 goals, the last to Sao Paulo. He is a good striker, a performer, a self-sacrificer, a different attacker profile.

It is not the only case: Jhon Córdoba has 2 games in Germany, just 73 minutes as he is a newcomer to Hertha, and has a goal on the account. He is a tremendous finisher, one of the highlights of Cologne last season. He even made the effort to find a better club, a better showcase. Both, however, remain outside the national coach’s plans.

Why? The most obvious reading is that he bets on those who have sufficiently proven their ability to interpret his libretto; He calls those who bring, in times when physical work is almost nil and there is no room for tactics, a sufficiently reliable competitive memory; she does not improvise, no matter how tempting the idea of innovation may be, because she will join the World Cup qualifier rather than shine. This is what his experience tells him, which is not little. This is what you think is needed for the first two games: confidence bath before new discoveries. Are you right? To judge it, we will have to wait until October 14.
