Colombia responds to the State Department decision to include Cuba in its list – Peace Process – Politics


The high commissioner for peace, Miguel Ceballos, referred to the decision made this Wednesday by the United States Department of State to include Cuba and Venezuela in the list of countries that support terrorism. Ceballos said that the Government of Colombia, through the Foreign Ministry, has insisted to Cuba on the surrender of the ELN members, who are on the island and assured that that country had been arguing protocols that had been signed in the previous Government, protocols that the current Colombian Government does not consider applicable.

“At this time, there is an endorsement of the Government of the United States to the Government of Colombia and at the insistent request of President Iván Duque and the Foreign Ministry that these people be handed over to the Colombian justice system, “said the high commissioner.

He added that the Including Venezuela in this list responds to an insistent request from President Duque to point out the continued presence of members of the FARC and ELN dissent in Venezuelan territory: “This response from the United States supports the position that the Colombian Government has had and that it will continue to have by demanding that all countries where members of the ELN or dissent are present, hand over justice.”

(You may be interested: The Commissioner of Peace, Miguel Ceballos, explained the scope of the decree that allows submission)

In addition, he stated that we must continue in full collaboration of all the countries of the world in the fight against terrorism and in contributing to peace: “It is time for the ELN to make a clear political decision on whether or not it wants to continue the peace, and all those who have distanced themselves from peace and have taken refuge in this crime of drug trafficking and terrorism, this is the moment when they step aside and all the countries, which truly want to collaborate with the peace of Colombia , they must express it through concrete facts, giving all the people who are in their territory to the Colombian judges and magistrates ”.

(You may be interested: Strong response from the Government to the Eln)

Miguel CeballosMiguel Ceballos talks about the decision of the United States Department of State to include Cuba and Venezuela in the list of countries that support terrorism.

Miguel Ceballos talks about the State Department’s decision to include Cuba and Venezuela in the list of countries that support terrorism.

The reasons of the State Department

For the United States Department of State the fact that Cuba has protected members of the ELN, by rejecting Colombia’s request to extradite ten leaders of the armed group after the attack on the General Santander Police School, it is sufficient reason to consider that they are not cooperating in the fight against terrorism.

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“As the United States maintains a lasting security partnership with Colombia and shares with Colombia the important antiterrorist goal of fighting organizations like the ELN, Cuba’s refusal to productively engage with the Colombian government shows that it is not cooperating with the work of the United States to support Colombia’s efforts to ensure a just and lasting peace for its people, ”says the report presented by the State department.

In the list sand included Venezuela due to the presence of dissent from the Farc and ELN members in that country. The US Department of Justice. USA He has criminally accused Maduro and other former members of the regime of carrying out a drug trafficking association with the FARC for the past 20 years.

