Colombia reported the lowest number of homicides in 17 years during the New Year


The Police also intervened 472 illegal parties, 210 of them on December 31 and 262 this morning.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive
The Police also intervened 472 illegal parties, 210 of them on December 31 and 262 this morning. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive

During a press conference on January 1, the National Police and the Ministry of Defense reported that, according to data collected from 00:00 hours on December 31 to 6:00 in the morning on January 1, in the country 41 deaths were reported on New Years night.

As reported by Blu Radio, the director of citizen security of the Police, General Carlos Ernesto Rodríguez, affirmed that “despite having presented some unfortunate events in various regions of the country, the behavior of the inhabitants in the national territory was mostly exemplary.”

Faced with this, he mentioned that the number of homicides was the lowest recorded in the last 17 years, with a reduction of 42% (30 fewer deaths) compared to the celebration on December 31, 2019 when 71 homicides were reported.

“It is important to indicate that the consolidated records to date highlight that of the violent deaths presented, nine correspond to fighting episodes, while the others are the object of investigation,” added the director during the press conference.

Likewise, the Police reported that 2021 began with a decrease in the number of injured with knives, going from 318 in the new year of 2019 to 78 in 2020.

Other figures from the old night

At the press conference, the Police shared that 28,453 calls were made to the 123 line, with an average of 40 calls per minute. According to the reports, 4,937 of these calls corresponded to cases of fights.

According to information from El País de Cali, 4,189 bottles of adulterated liquor were seized last night, 3,170 more than last year. Similarly, 32,385 kilos of gunpowder were seized, which is 32,130 kilos more than in 2019.

The Cali media reported that within the framework of the restrictions decreed by the Covid-19 and the health emergency, the Police imposed 1,281 subpoenas: 674 for violating selective isolation, 428 for not wearing masks, 171 for consumption of alcoholic beverages, five for crowding of people and three for violation of mobility restrictions.

In total, 472 illegal parties were intervened that did not comply with the measures decreed by the pandemic: 210 on December 31 and 262 until the morning of the first day of the year.

The initial balance of the Traffic and Transportation Directorate indicates that last night there were 45 road accidents in different regions of the country, which meant a reduction of 4% compared to the night at the end of the year 2019, when 47 accidents were reported.

According to what was established, 4 people (2 motorcyclists, 1 companion and 1 pedestrian) lost their lives (20% reduction), and another 50 people were injured (18% decrease).

Finally, in development of the controls installed on the roads, the uniformed men carried out 1,014 drunkenness tests on drivers, of which 19 were positive.

Balance by regions and departments:

Bogota DC

During the press conference on this first January, Mayor Luis Ernesto Gómez, together with Hugo Acero, Bogotá’s security secretary, delivered a balance sheet for the end of the year and the new year in Bogotá.

According to the report, Bogotá managed to reduce most of the security indicators in December, after the implementation of the Safer Christmas Plan to contain the advance of crimes.

The president in charge, affirmed that homicide registered a 20% drop, while theft from residences fell by 25% and theft from shops by 57% compared to 2019.

For its part, cell phone theft fell by 21% and bicycle theft by 8%. However, the city registers a 4% increase in motorcycle theft, which went from 341 cases in December 2019, to 354 in December 2020.

“These are the results of the effort, day by day, in constant patrolling of the Police, in constant patrolling of the local mayors in a strategy defined by the secretariat of security focusing on the main crimes and hot zones and the result is really encouraging ”, assured the Secretary of Government of Bogotá, Luis Ernesto Gómez.



According to the balance provided by the authorities, on New Year’s Eve in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga there was a murder due to intolerance in the tunnel sector of the Café Madrid neighborhood and there was an increase in fights of 23% compared to the year above, resulting in 490 in total.

“There were 312 calls for disturbance of tranquility and 9 people were captured for personal assaults, and 4 firearms were seized,” Metropolitan Police Colonel Javier Castro explained to Blu Radio.

In total, during the night of New Year there were 16 vehicular accidents that left four people injured and in addition, 46 citations were imposed for violations of the traffic code: 29 to motorcycles. There were no appearances for driving while intoxicated.

“Up to now, 6,621 vehicles have entered the city and 8,323 vehicles have departed to different parts of the country and we call to continue with the discipline of the peak and ID in order to reduce the number of COVID-19 infections in the region” Castro added.

According to information from the radio station, in the municipality of San Gil there were three people injured with sharp weapons in the middle of some fights and in the municipality of El Socorro there was one injured due to intolerance and, for the moment, the authorities have not reported burned people with gunpowder in the region in celebration of the new year.

According to the authorities, more than 80 cases of domestic violence were also registered at the end of the year.

Bucaramanga.  / Wikimedia Commons.
Bucaramanga. / Wikimedia Commons.

Aburrá Valley

In a general balance, in the region located in the south-central department of Antioquia, on New Year’s Eve there were three homicides, 13 injured and 1,689 subpoenas.

According to information from Minuto 30, the Itagüí authorities registered that one person was murdered on the night of Thursday, December 31, and at dawn on January 1, another two homicides were reported, in Bello and Medellín. Leaving a total of three homicides in this region.

In the official report, 13 people were injured, 11 of them with a sharp weapon and 2 with a firearm (6 in Candelaria, 2 in Santa Elena, the others in Manrique, Pajarito, Itagüí, Bello and Barbosa respectively).

Citizens also reported cases of disturbance to public order and coexistence and according to the authorities, they received 11,250 calls to 123.

The Metropolitan Police also announced that a total of 111 subpoenas were imposed, for non-compliance with the curfew measure in the Aburrá Valley. (82 comparendos in Medellín, 8 in Copacabana, 6 in the star, 5 in Itagüí, 4 in Sabaneta, 2 in Bello Caldas and Envigado respectively).


According to information from El País de Cali, the authorities reported that December 2020 closed, with 97 homicides in ‘the sky branch’, 19 less than in the same period of 2019.

According to the ‘Security and Coexistence’ report from the Ministry of Security and Justice, the last month of the year was the least violent in the last 28 years. However, last Friday, December 31, there were five violent deaths in different parts of the city.

The Cali media reported that all the victims were men, four were attacked with a firearm and one with a sharp weapon.

/ Mayor of Cali
/ Mayor of Cali


Between the night of December 31, 2020 and the early morning of January 1, 2021, the Metropolitan Police of Cartagena reported three homicides in the capital of Bolívar. In addition, the capture of the three alleged perpetrators, as announced by Zona Cero

The Metropolitan Police also reported the attention of 1,215 calls to the emergency line, of which 149 were due to fights between citizens and 41 due to disturbance to public tranquility.

Additionally, 99 subpoenas were made for violations of the National Code of Security and Coexistence and 43 knives and two firearms were seized.

As mayor in charge of Bogotá, Luis Ernesto Gómez revealed a reduction in homicides of 20% in December.

This is how the world greeted the new year 2021: videos and photos from all over the planet.
