Colombia national team today: Criticism of Carlos Queiroz for the 2020 qualifying round Colombia Selection


Finally, the FCF and Carlos Queiroz did not wait any longer and finally published the complete list of the Colombian National Team and the players who will be in the qualifying matches for the Qatar 2022 World Cup. However, there are already several criticisms of the call of 24 footballers.

The main reason for the theme is the bow. Queiroz decided to call up four goalkeepers for the two games –Venezuela and Chile–, an aspect that the Tricolor fans did not overlook.

Followers of the Selection did not agree with the call of four archers. No, mainly, because of its level but because of the quota that is used and that would not be used in only two games. David Ospina, Aldair Quintana, Alvaro Montero and Camilo Vargas were called.

However, there were some footballers whose name became a trend in social networks for being on the list and occupying the fourth place of a goalkeeper. Rafael Santos Borré, Edwin Cardona, Roger Martínez, Juan Fernando Quintero (without minutes), among others.

The custom is old and it is the decision of the Portuguese, who has generally preferred to bring four goalkeepers to his calls. Camilo Vargas is even the big surprise on the list.
