Colombia national team: statements by coach Carlos Queiroz – International Football – Sports


Carlos Queiroz, coach of the Colombia National Team, spoke prior to the team’s trip to Quito, where they will face Ecuador on Tuesday in the World Cup qualifier to Qatar 2022.

How to lift the team. It has been a tough moment, the biggest critics of the game are us, coaches, players, we like to put our face in a situation that is not good for Colombia’s results. But that is part of our lives, going back to the bus, going back to the field, winning again, we do that since we were children and nothing changes. Sometimes nothing goes well, like against Uruguay. But here you can feel the caste of our players, they have the caste of winners. They rested, recovered and we are ready, we have to go out with all the will and do what we know how to do, which is to play football well. Ecuador has a good coach, good players. We are ready, we had to lose, but that will make us stronger.

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The changes that the team could have. We have convictions like all great teams, and great teams have their plans and their concepts. When we win we must recognize that not everything was done well, but when we lose we must also know that not everything is wrong. We can lose games, but not the convictions, the ideas that we have. We already experimented at the time, all games have their history. Ecuador is a different story, different players, we already play against Ecuador, and we are going to make the adaptations that we think are necessary to play well and win the game, but we are not going to change our convictions, we are not going to change all things, mainly the things that we are sure are fine.

The vision of Ecuador. Ecuador is playing well, it is scoring goals in every game. We already play against them and we know what their weaknesses and strengths are. He has a new coach who is changing some things and we know everything that is necessary to know, but the most important thing is that we respect Ecuador a lot, they are very tactical and very powerful players. With our ability and discipline, we are able to know that the most important thing for qualifying is to score points. Against Ecuador there is only one thing on the mind, which is to score points.

The altitude. We take care of all the details with the coaching staff, in the preparation, the recovery, but most importantly, the altitude, we are not thinking about the altitude, we are thinking about playing well, attacking well, so that in 90 minutes we have the possibility of being better than Ecuador. That is what is possible to do, be it Argentina, be it Brazil. Today we are at altitude, tomorrow at sea level, that is part of the competition, without comment, without crying or feeling sorry, because that is not the way. We know that we are in conditions to play the game well.

The critics. The attitude of the Colombian players, at least from what I know, we do not have the folkloric arrogance to believe that everything is fine, but when we lose we must be humble to accept criticism that is fair, that is honest. We don’t need anyone to talk about the comments or criticisms we make of our work. We are the first to be alert to things. We must have a winning team, eager, scoring goals, defending well. Many people criticized the consistency of Colombia, the result of our work.

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The complaint by arbitration. I know that with what I am going to do I will open the door to perverse comments, which is an excuse, but I have to be very clear: how is it possible that the referee does not award a penalty to Lucho in minute 35. We did not go well We grew, we finished the first half dominating the ball, having more possession, although that does not win games, but 70 percent of possession shows the dominance and control of our players. This is a game of mistakes and a game of opinions. But there are mistakes that we don’t accept: I have to go out to defend the players’ work, without fear, with all my heart. Not whistling that penalty when that referee is four meters from the situation, it is criminal. I can’t find other words for the outrage I have. And then he gives a dubious penalty at 40 meters. There he sees it clearly and not 4 meters. This man, who is an international referee, has to justify that. That changes the whole game. This is not an apology, it is an alert for the Colombian soccer authorities: it is our job, our players, our fans. Here the press was not outraged. I am here to take the bullets for them. I respond with this indignation.

Why didn’t you work in Bogotá. I work with the coaching staff, they are experienced people in the field and I also have some experience. The attitude problem is related to recovery times. It is something that we can win in some things and lose in others. To get to Quito we thought it was better to recover without trips, without logistical disruption. That is why we are going to travel later today, with experience and knowledge of other situations, thinking that it is the best decision. You also have to remember that there are health problems, we must be locked in bubbles and a change in the hotel could lead to risky situations, we have to make decisions and we believe that this is the most appropriate.

The preparation. It didn’t take me long to learn this – this is the toughest qualifier in the world, the results are uncertain, we win and we’re up, and we draw and we’re a bit lower. We are all very close. The preparation is very determined, with great conviction of the talent and character of the players, we are confident in a result to score points, which is very important. It is interesting that talking to Mr. Tabárez after the game, we exchange views on the difficulties that we are all experiencing. He lost Valverde. Colombia loses Yairo Moreno, Arias, Stefan, Falcao, Borré, Córdoba, Sinisterra, Villa. All the work that we put forward in a year and a half, in two months Sinisterra, Villa, Borré, Córdoba, Falcao, Stefan, Yairo, Arias, is a different world. I understand some people who can telecommute, but for us it is different, it is a different world. At no time did the Colombian coach arrive with regrets. The job is not to convey concerns to the fans, but to respond with solutions and tomorrow we will find more solutions, it is a country with a lot of talent and the desire to get ahead. We want to be among the best. Five minutes ago I found out that Uruguay played against us with Viña, who came out contaminated. We must have more tolerance and respect for the people who want to have football alive, the enthusiasm of the fans, and we are going to do it with all determination and courage.

The possible formation. “The final decision is clear to me. We know how we should adjust. We did it before when we played against Ecuador in the United States and it turned out very well. The most important thing is that by dating Muriel, who is the one who has scored the most goals, or Going out with Lucho, it all depends on the game plan. This is the dynamics of football. After 30 minutes we had to put all the meat on the grill to change the result. We were not happy to score. Once again I have to say it That man (the referee) did not respect Colombia, the players, the fans. It is not possible that he did not sanction that penalty at 4 meters. He does not have to give me an explanation, I have been in football for 40 years, but He does not see that penalty at four meters which is a shame and one at 40 meters, doubtful, that we consult and they are divided. I think that the Federation of Colombia has to do something, it is our dreams that are at stake and they have to respect our job”.

