Colombia National Team news today: Queiroz assumes that James’ position in Everton is that of the National Team | Colombia selection


The Colombian National Team is already preparing with the bulk of its troops for the game this Friday, October 9, against Venezuela, at the start of the qualifying rounds for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

And this time, as it did not happen years ago, she finds her most talented man in an exceptional moment, with continuity, confidence, an enviable physical condition and all the magic of his left-handed leg to the fullest.

“I don’t only know James where he is playing at Everton, I knew him very well from Porto and his previous coaches. Now he is playing better and training better,” said coach Carlos Queiroz about James Rodríguez.

And ‘he put his chest out’ without hesitation: “it is the tactical design that he was developing in the Copa América, knowing the team and its football well; in Everton he is in the position in which he has played with us (in Colombia),” he said.

The Portuguese is aware of the importance of recovering the best version of a James who was sunk in Real Madrid and is now one of the revelations of the demanding Premier League: “Now, with more football and fewer injuries, with more regularity, he goes to be very good for us too, “he concluded.
