Colombia national team: Carlos Queiroz’s audio about Sebastián Villa generates controversy – International Football – Sports


The scandal due to gender violence in which the player of the Colombian National Team and Boca Juniors is involved, Sebastian Villa, it turned on again this Monday after some controversial words from coach Carlos Queiroz.

For an hour, the DT He answered all the questions about the call, the different strategies that he will use in this double round of the World Cup Qatar 2022 against Uruguay and Ecuador, the new footballers he called and the Villa case. But at the end of this virtual meeting with the media, the microphones were lit and the coach was heard deepening his reasons why the footballer was on the preliminary list and is still on his radar to reach the national team.

It may interest you: (Carlos Queiroz, reflective, critical and clear about the Colombian National Team).

The press officer of the Colombian Football Federation, Juan Raúl Mejía, approached Queiroz and spoke to him about the questions about Villa. Queiroz replied: “What can I say? Not speak?”.

Immediately, the manager read him a trill from the journalist Sarah Castro, director of the newspaper As Colombia and who had questioned him, during the face to face with the journalists, his actions with a soccer player who was denounced by his ex-partner, Daniela Cortés, of assaulting her.

Also read: (Controversy: Queiroz spoke about Villa and gender violence).

Once they read the message to Queiroz, the DT answers: “Ah, very well, but I am not the institution. She has to talk to the institutions ”, and then it is more controversial. “If all the men who take a punch from women went to the press to speak, the world would be screwed.”

Minutes after it was Federation Realizing that they had left the microphone on, they lowered the press conference from their platforms.

At night and with the controversial conversation being a trend in networks, Queiroz published a trill about it.

“In the face of any misunderstanding resulting from the audio, partial and private, after the press conference, I reaffirm publicly and unequivocally, as I did at the conference, the conviction that any trial and media conviction does not replace the primary function of justice” , he expressed.

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The defense

Queiroz was asked twice about whether he had Sebastián Villa on the shortlist and if he considered calling him for these two games, despite the scandal over the aggression reported by his ex partner.

“Yes, he was on the list of 42 players who were blocked. If he is ready to play for Boca Juniors, he is sure to be a player who will stay on our radar. What is said does not matter to me, for me the important thing is their performance. If it is ready for Boca, it will be ready for Colombia ”, he commented.

What is said does not matter to me, for me the important thing is their performance. If you’re ready for Boca, you’re ready for Colombia.

In addition, Queiroz assured that he is responsible for the sports part and the investigation must be attended by the competent institutions.

I am not an institution. There is a player who is playing in Argentina, who is Colombian and they pay me to find out if he has the qualities to make it to the Colombian National Team. When the courts make decisions, I respect them. Until they make those decisions, I will abide by them ”.

It should be remembered that Hernán Darío ‘Bolillo’ Gómez He ceased to be the DT of Colombia on August 1, 2011, after admitting to having attacked a woman in a bar in Bogotá.

Furthermore, in 2016, Pablo Armero was arrested in Miami for assaulting his wife, María Elena Bazán, and was no longer called to the National Team Jose Pékerman, until 2017, the year in which he was cited again.

This is the audio:

Carlos QueirozCarlos Queiroz.

Carlos Queiroz

As he knew TIME, the intention of the technician with his phrase was to say exactly what he said at the press conference. That issues of gender violence and intimate partner violence should not be dealt with in the press, but go to the competent institutions, such as the Prosecutor’s office, a court wave Police.


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