Colombia National Team: candidates to replace Carlos Queiroz, Rueda, Osorio, Suárez, more questioned | Colombia selection


Carlos Queiroz’s credits are running out. Almost two years after assuming the technical direction of the Colombia National Team, in one week he ruined what he could have sown on account of his goals, against Uruguay (0-3) and Ecuador (6-1).

It was to be expected that very critical voices would immediately appear calling for his departure, even within the Colombian Football Federation (FCF), since Álvaro González, one of the vice presidents, has already asked for his head.

Will the Portuguese leave? It does not seem so simple due to the economic situation, but the disappointment is so great that nothing can be ruled out. Assuming your process doesn’t last until March, who could be your replacement? The discussion goes through who wants, who can and who, really, would be a good alternative.

The line of Colombian coaches is not that wide. Who wants? Various. Eduardo Lara, Leonel Álvarez, even Hernán ‘Bolillo’ Gómez would like to have revenge and are available. But when cleaning the list, on more realistic candidacies, at least three names appear: Juan Carlos Osorio, Luis Fernando Suárez and Reinaldo Rueda.

Who can? Osorio has just left Atlético Nacional, he is very available and comes from doing an intense lobby before the arrival of Queiroz. His resume, with experience in Mexico and a brief stint in Paraguay, endorse it. But it does generate some resistance and that was already an obstacle in its first attempt. In the case of Suárez, who has already led two World Cups (Ecuador in 2006 and Honduras 2014) with a good balance, he is not just a name that generates the necessary consensus.

In that list, the name that everyone likes, the ‘must be’, is Rueda, a coach with four national teams on his resume (Colombia, Honduras, Ecuador and Chile), always with good results, which are added to the Copa Libertadores that he achieved in 2016 with Atlético Nacional. It was almost always a favorable situation except now. The reason for the disagreement is that at this point in the tie he has the same 4 points as Colombia and comes from losing 2-1 against Venezuela.

Precisely that situation could abruptly cut a contract valid until 2022 and would open a door for Colombia, which would in no way assume the cost of a negotiation for any DT in times of post-pandemic. Rueda is charged a yield of just 43.2 percent, which is far from what it had in Honduras (66.7 percent) and Ecuador (54.3 percent) and even that of Colombia (50.6 percent). ), when he could not qualify for the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Rueda wanted and could before accepting Chile, in 2018. Now it depends on other conditions. But without a doubt, the in-depth knowledge he has as a trainer of several current roster players makes him the ideal candidate.

Another foreigner?

There is the question. The successful process of José Pékerman could not be repeated in the two years that Queiroz has led, but that does not cancel the option of a foreign coach who can straighten the course. And by the way, the return of the Argentine is no longer a possibility because of the way his previous process was cut off.

A name that was available at the time but that they did not even consider was Gustavo Alfaro, the same one who just gave Colombia a 6-1 with Ecuador. One more lesson that was not learned in time.

Now the issue then is who wants and who can, but who meets the condition that Queiroz did not meet and that from the beginning sowed doubts: he must know the environment, the South American tie, the environment he will find. And on that list there are three names, all with current contracts and the obligation to negotiate for the FCF.

Jorge Sampaoli, former coach of Argentina and today at Atlético Mineiro; Miguel Ángel Russo, champion in Colombia with Millonarios and current coach of Boca Juniors and Ricardo Gareca, former DT in Colombia, champion as a player and today at the head of Peru, would be the names. The latter has entered the list precisely because of the poor results that Peru has achieved in the current tie.

Who would arrive? The first thing is to resolve the limbo that Queiroz himself created with his erratic decisions in the last two dates of the tie. Then yes, the resumes will be reviewed.
