Colombia closed an agreement to buy nine million doses of vaccines from Janssen


With this agreement, Colombia will buy nine million vaccines for nine million citizens, since the vaccine from this pharmaceutical company has a single dose.

“This has been an effort of months and with a diversification that is important in the vaccination agenda,” said President Duque.

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, recalled that the tests of the Janssen covid-19 vaccine were also carried out in Colombia. These tests have already been closed and they had the participation of 4,218 Colombians who were part of phase three of the development of this biological. The clinical trial included people between the ages of 18 and 60, as well as adults over 60.

“Surely the approval of the vaccine will continue in January or in the first week of February by the FDA to be able to have the respective contract signed with this pharmaceutical company,” said the minister.

Colombia already has a reserve to purchase nine million doses of the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Janssen and will sign the contract definitively when it receives approval from the international regulatory agency.

Thus, the government reached enough doses to vaccinate 29 million Colombians and is advancing new negotiations to reach 35 million citizens, a figure necessary to achieve a herd immunity against the covid-19 disease.

The remaining doses will come from the COVAX mechanism (20 million doses for ten million people), Pfizer (ten million doses for five million people) and Astrazeneca (ten million doses for five million people).

According to the National Government’s vaccination plan, the first doses that arrive in the country will cover the population over 80 years of age and health personnel on the front line against the disease.

In a second stage, the country will vaccinate the population between 60 and 79 years old and second and third line health personnel against covid-19. For the third stage, the biological will be applied to the population between 16 and 59 years of age with comorbidities and to teachers of basic and secondary education.

The fourth stage of vaccination will include the population in occupations and risk situations and institutional caregivers. The last stage will be destined to the vaccination of the population between 16 and 59 years old without comorbidities in the following order: 50 to 59 years, 40 to 49 years, 30 to 39 years, 20 to 29 years, and finally, 16 to 19 years.

It is important to remember that in the first moments of vaccination, people who already suffered from covid-19 will not be included, nor will those under 16 years of age or pregnant women, a population that has not been included in clinical trials for the vaccine, so there are still no conclusive data on the efficiency of the biological in these groups.
