Colombia analyzes restricting entry to citizens of seven countries



This Monday, November 9, a circular was published that is being analyzed by the Foreign Ministry and Migration Colombia, in which they are announced restrictions for entry to Colombia to citizens of Argentina, Germany, Canada, Chile, Spain, France and the Netherlands.

The restriction would apply to non-essential travel and would be advanced in reaction to similar measures that the authorities of those seven countries have implemented for Colombian citizens, in the midst of the pandemic.

It should be remembered that in these countries today There are only humanitarian flights, with a weekly frequency per airline.

In Germany, for example, tourists and short trips are not allowed, maximum up to 90 days, are only currently authorized if there is a justified personal emergency reason.

The circular indicates that, as of this November 10, They could not enter Colombia for visitor activities only with their passport, as they had been doing, although, the Foreign Ministry confirmed that the immigration authorities hold a meeting to define other conditions of the measure and its final starting date.

“In a practical sense, the measure adopted means that nationals of those countries will no longer be able to enter Colombia for visitor activities with just their passport (…) the only way that nationals of those countries can enter Colombia is by carrying a visa “, says the document.

Likewise, the circular excludes foreigners holding current type visas. Migrant (METER), Resident (R) and Visitor (V), in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution 6045 of 2017.

Diplomatic passport or visa holders, crew members, humanitarian emergencies or cases of force majeure would also enter the list.

In addition, the Foreign Ministry specified that when this measure comes into force it would be maintained “until the Colombian Government reaches an understanding to coordinate the mobility of travelers in both directions with said governments ”.

This possibility of temporarily restricting the entry of hundreds of citizens of seven countries is known a few days after the announcement made by the Ministry of Health, to abolish the requirement of PCR testing for the entry into the country of travelers from abroad.

According to the Director General of Migration Colombia, Juan Francisco Espinosa, not requiring a PCR test is a “vote of confidence” in citizens and does not exempt travelers from their responsibility to refrain from traveling if they have symptoms related to covid-19.

Meanwhile, in recent days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked all travelers arriving and leaving the country to follow the recommendations for their safe entry.

“Take into account the recommendations for their safe, orderly and regular entry into the country, as well as their trip abroad, based on the provisions of the aeronautical and health authorities for the gradual reopening of the international air operation,” said the Ministry .

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