Colombia, among the worst countries to live in the time of COVID-19


The last place in the Bloomberg ranking, that is, the worst country to experience the coronavirus pandemic, is Mexico, in position 53. They are followed, from back to front, by Argentina, Peru, Belgium, Czech Republic and Colombia.

This trill highlights the last places on the list:

In contrast, the best-ranked country is New Zealand, which is credited with the best handling of the pandemic in the world, led by Prime Minister Jacinda Andern, who managed to practically eradicate the coronavirus from her territory.

They are followed in the top 10 by Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Finland, Norway, Australia, China, Denmark and Vietnam.

The following image shows the first 20 countries, among which the United States stands out, which despite the terrible handling that President Donald Trump and his team have given to the pandemic, even to the point of minimizing it, reap points to their Please to have two vaccines about to be inoculated in the population, after verifying an effectiveness of more than 95%:


What variables did the study of the worst countries take into account to experience the pandemic

The Bloomberg ranking considered the measures of the different governments to face the pandemic, the number of cases, the number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, vaccine developments, number of daily tests and even whether or not governments minimized the pandemic, one of the points that played against the presidents of Mexico, Brazil and the United States.

In the case of Mexico, as Intolerancia Diario notes, the country “has a high percentage of undetected cases in addition to an arrogant leadership approach in the authorities”, which would be one of the reasons for occupying the last position among the target countries. of that study.

The following trill explains that the lack of tests for coronavirus was another reason why Mexico was so badly located, but it makes one doubt whether in Colombia, which reports an average of 40,000 daily tests, that parameter was taken into account:

The Bloomberg website lists 7 other parameters:

  1. Growth of positive cases.
  2. Mortality rate.
  3. Ability to do tests.
  4. Agreements to receive vaccines as a priority.
  5. Impact of the measures taken to contain the pandemic on the economy (this point could play against Colombia, which this Tuesday declared itself in recession).
  6. Impact of the measures on the mobility of people.
  7. Reaction capacity of the health system.

Bloomberg emphasized that Africa and Latin America have a point in common and it is overcrowding, which makes it difficult to maintain social distancing, as well as jobs, resources and Internet access that allow many employees to work from home. The study adds that Latin America is the most densely urbanized region on the planet.

Another of the variables that works against Latin American countries is the IMF projection cited by Bloomberg that the per capita income that was before the pandemic will not return before 2025.
