Rodríguez made the tough question to the district administration in a video, hinting that the day of the debate will reveal the evidence that supports it:
#Politics | The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, is cited for a debate on political control for handling the pandemic of the # Covid_19 in the capital.
The director of National Planning (DNP) Luis Alberto Rodríguez and the Strategic Manager against COVID-19, Luis Guillermo Plata, the government party announced, should also attend the plenary session of the Chamber.
“We want to explain to the country what is happening with the spread of infections, the purchase of tests to detect COVID-19 in the city and the delivery of aid to the most vulnerable classes that in recent weeks have caused blockades in some neighborhoods in the south of the city, ”said the congressman.
The newscast released, This Tuesday, that this information is related to the scandal of illegal interceptions that was uncovered in mid-December 2019, after Semana denounced follow-ups to journalists, magistrates, politicians and rights defenders. human by the military.
That was how the investigation led to advance a trace to the conversations via chat of u201cdos second lieutenants, a corporal first and a sergeant vice-first u201d, which occurred between November 6 and 18 December.
There, according to that media, the uniformed men had a last conversation in which they spoke of a possible magazine or raid on the Cyberintelligence battalion (in Facatativ u00e1) and the need to erase the information. u00f3n digital u201d.
That contact happened on December 18, precisely the day in which Judge Cristina Lombana gave the search warrant to the military garrison.
After this scan of interceptions, and by the way of the one that erupted a few days ago, due to the same illegal follow-ups from the Army, magistrate Lombana was singled out to meet with the current commander of the Army, General Eduardo Zapateiro, in January of this year, just as the officer was enlisting to assume command of the institution.
That is why The Weather searched for her To confirm this meeting, and while he refrained from giving details, Lombana admitted the meeting with General Zapateiro u201d, the newspaper said.
In this regard, the media consulted a connoisseur of the subject who said that this type of meeting is held between heads of entities, and that the magistrate is not one of them.
Mr. General Zapateiro had to meet with the President of the Court or, failing that, the President of the Investigative Chamber. Here, you could allege an excess of functions or even an abuse of authority. u201c, signal u00f3.
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That is one of the data that reveals the precariousness with which the Amazon is facing the coronavirus. For example in Leticia, its capital, There is only one hospital serving citizens and its conditions are not the best.
According to figures from the Ministry of Health itself, Only 5 of the 26 people who died in that department from COVID-19 received medical attention in a hospital. The rest had to endure the disease without the best tools to do so.
The situation of the Amazon health system worries the country because that department is already the sixth with more cases of coronavirus in the whole country (743), and that number is skyrocketing in the last two weeks.
Colombia reached 12,272 confirmed cases of COVID-19 this Tuesday. Above the Amazon in the national departmental ranking is est u00e1n Bogot u00e1 (4,563 cases), Valle del Cauca (1,415), Atl u00e1ntico (1,124), El Meta (935), Bol u00edvar (824).
The National Government decided to militarize the borders of the Amazon to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus with people who could contract it due to their activities there.
#SOSAmazonas Lords @MinSaludCol@INSColombia According to their own reports, ONLY 5 of the 26 deceased in Amazonas have gone through hospital, the others are reported deceased at home and directly reported as deceased, clearly none by ICU! cases increase, SOS! / ufkYXCR4gr
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According to Claudia L u00f3pez, the difference is that some are asymptomatic and, apparently, are fine. He emphasized that this population has not had any tests done to verify if they are infected.
In interview with Blu Radio, the president said that, according to the epidemiological model that she uses in the capital, the ratio is 2 to 1.
u201cWe have tested positive to one, but there are two others infected out there who don't even know: they don't feel bad, they don't have symptoms, but they are infected u201d.
In this sense, he called on the capitals to act with the awareness that anyone can be infected with COVID-19.
When asked if this model was based on the district quarantine or on which the National Government is gradually raising up, L u00f3pez (hinting at the Executive) said: u00a0 u201c u00a1I know myself. people! The Bogot u00e1 model projected that the strict quarantine was to last until April 27 u201c.
López said that, from the beginning, he did not do cheerful accounts and that he already assumed that they would gradually quarantine.
The mayor said that u201 one month, we may have 31,000 [casos] u00a0y, of those, 514 will need intensive care units [UCI]. It is a possibility that the model u201d projects.
Thus, the president insisted that Transmilenio and Corabastos must operate at less than 35% of their capacity, while highlighting that if the ICUs exceed 80%, they will re-enact rigorous quarantine in Bogot u00e1.
During the interview on the radio frequency, they asked her why she seems resigned and she replied that u00a0 u201chay understand until when the battles occur u201d.He added that the President decided to end the quarantine.
This is the interview with the District president:
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That was the explanation with which the Commander of the National Navy, Admiral Evelio Ram u00edrez justified, at a press conference, what happened to the vessels whose quantity, including the inventory and the arsenal , amounts to 625 million pesos.
The military said that those results were thrown by a conversation that the verification commission had with the crew and the visit made by the local combat site:
u201c It can be established that the place where the boats were insured did not meet the conditions of stable land and secure mooring. It was also evidenced that the selected point where the boats were secured fell apart, causing them to be at the mercy of the current u201d.
The admiral said that the boats did not untie themselves but fell off with all the ravine to which they were attached.
Those situations reflect that the rules for individual mooring u201d and the minimum distances that the boats should have between each other u201c, in accordance with the river doctrine u201d, a u00f1adi u00f3, were not met.
The findings led the institution to remove two officers, three non-commissioned officers and nine Marines from active duty, due to the serious effect on the service as a result of the events that occurred, and to investigate whether these occurred. u201c with fraud or guilt u201d.
The officer detailed that these soldiers were dispensed with because they did not consider security measures such as locating the fixed points on land, on the riverbank, where the boats are insured, as they did so in places that did not have the consistency sufficient to ensure that such a situation would not occur.
He also added that another of the non-compliances to the protocols was the distribution of the personnel that should be pending, since 50% of the crew has rest periods while the other half must be active. and u201clist to react u201d, because in these river operations they are u201csusceptible to being attacked u201d by armed groups outside the law.
In addition, Admiral Ram u00edrez ruled out that there was money involved in this incident because his investigation did not find any indication of any kind against any military; Although he specified that this process is independent from that of a criminal, disciplinary or fiscal nature.
Precisely, at the time that the National Navy delivered those explanations, the Attorney General asked him for more specific explanations about what happened with the boats and several of the procedures that were not fulfilled and that ended with the ins u00f3lito denouement.
The institution added that it was possible to send a boat to rescue them, but that the distance and time did not give it the opportunity to react, since the point where it happened was very close to the border limit. .
Admiral Evelio Ram u00edrez added that the institution continued to contact Venezuelan authorities to coordinate the return of the boats to Colombian territory, in response to the demand of Nicol u00e1s Maduro for President Iv u00e1n Duque made the request personally.
u201cWe will insist to return the boats u201d, he said, while saying that there is u201dotal willingness u20f3n u201d u201d u201d to return them.
The combat ships arrived in Venezuela with weapons, ammunition, and all kinds of equipment, as well as emblems of the Colombian Navy.
#IMPORTANT: National Guard of #Venezuela, in patrol operation, they found adrift in the Orinoco river between the Bolivar States and Apure, three (3) military boats of the Navy of #Colombia Boston Wheeler model, armed with six (6) machine guns and ammunition. / oBPHa6VSkK
u2014 Javier Alexander Roa (@RoaJavier) May 9, 2020
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u201c Last Friday I had surgery to remove the filler from my lips u201d, he began by explaining the cucute u00f1a in the brief, thus making it clear that this area, for which several flattered it, again changed its proportions.
In addition, the creator of adult content assured that the intervention was not easy, but that It has been the best decision you have made for your own well-being.
In addition, Amaranta commented that she has asked her body for forgiveness, because driven by a false u201cvanity u201d her face intervened, although now she has recovered that lost naturalness.
u201cI apologize if I was an u2018influence u2019 for others to do something like that. Sorry. I was unsure, I let myself go u201c, he emphasized in the post of the publication.
Before the confession, several of her followers were happy that she had taken this step; however, Hank asserted that he is not seeking approval with this, as it is a healthy invitation to love the natural.
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Weiss, que vive en San Francisco pero que las u00faltimas semanas estaba trabajando en Nueva York, el epicentro de la pandemia del COVID-19 en EE. USA, le dijo a la cadena Abc que tenu00eda mu00e1s miedo de subir a un aviu00f3n que a entrar a un hospital, luego de que su tuits se viralizaran.
El pasado su00e1bado 9 de mayo, el mu00e9dico publicu00f3 en su cuenta de Twitter una foto que mostraba que el vuelo que acababa de tomar con United estaba completamente lleno, a pesar de que la aerolu00ednea habu00eda informado que para cumplir las normas de distanciamiento social iba a dejar los asientos del medio vacu00edos.
u201cu00bfSupongo que @united estu00e1 relajando su polu00edtica de distanciamiento social estos du00edas? Cada asiento estu00e1 ocupado en este 737u201d, escribiu00f3 junto a la imagen.
u201cLas personas en este aviu00f3n estu00e1n asustadas/conmocionadas (u2026) Estoy con un grupo de 25 enfermeros y mu00e9dicos que han estado trabajando en hospitales de Nueva York entre las u00faltimas dos y cuatro semanas. Esta es la u00faltima vez que volaru00e9 en un largo tiempou201d, publicu00f3 en otros tuits.
We are about to land & I just wanted to say a few things. 1) people on this plane are scared/ shocked. 2) I have no idea why most of them are traveling. 3)I am with a group of 25 nurses and doctors who have been working in NYC hospitals for the past 2-4 weeks. We are coming home
La denuncia del doctor Weiss se viralizu00f3 en Twitter, no mu00e1s la foto tiene 10.000 retuits y casi 29.000 u2018me gustau2019, por lo que a United Airlines le llovieron cientos de cru00edticas por no respetar las normas que se habu00edan comprometido a cumplir para no arriesgar la salud sus clientes.
Por ello, la compau00f1u00eda au00e9rea tuvo que salir al paso de los malos comentarios y aseguru00f3 que, ahora su00ed,u00a0u201cimplementaru00e1 cambios temporales adicionales para promover el distanciamiento socialu201d.
u201cA partir de la pru00f3xima semana y hasta el 30 de junio, permitiremos a los clientes en vuelos que se espera que estu00e9n mu00e1s cerca de su capacidad total que elijan volver a reservar en un vuelo diferente o recibir un cru00e9dito de viajeu201d, seu00f1alu00f3 la aerolu00ednea en un tuit publicado este lunes.
Starting next week, customers on flights that are expected to be closer to full capacity can rebook on a different flight or receive a travel credit. Weu2019ll do our best to reach out about 24 hours before departure and weu2019ll also provide options at the gate.
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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP897801","titles":{"main":"Citan a Lu00f3pez a explicar manejo de COVID-19: "Parte de su administraciu00f3n ha sido nefasta"","facebook":""Esto ha costado vidas humanas", asegura un representante del Centro Democru00e1tico.","seo":"Claudia Lu00f3pez iru00e1 a control polu00edtico por su manejo de la pandemia"},"phrases":{"main":"Edward Rodru00edguez, representante del Centro Democru00e1tico, asegura que su gestiu00f3n de la pandemia "ha costado vidas humanas" y la citu00f3 a debate de control polu00edtico."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/claudia-lopez-ira-control-politico-por-su-manejo-pandemia-PP897801"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"miguel.galvis","name":"Miguel Galvis"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 12, 2020 11:21 pm","updated":1589325662,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1","credit":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, en Facebook","description":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1","alt":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Cu00e1mara de Representantes","Claudia Lu00f3pez","Covid-19","Pandemia"],"sources":[{"title":"Citan a alcaldesa mayor de Bogotu00e1 a debate de Control Polu00edtico en la Cu00e1mara para que explique manejo de pandemia del COVID 19","url":"","source":"Centro Democru00e1tico","fuente":"Centro Democru00e1tico"},{"title":"@RedMasNoticias, en Twitter","url":"","source":"Red+ Noticias","fuente":"Red+ Noticias"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn
Rodru00edguez hizo el duro cuestionamiento a la administraciu00f3n distrital en un video, dando a entender que el du00eda del debate develaru00e1 las pruebas que lo sustentan:
#Polu00edtica | Citan a debate de control polu00edtico a la alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1, Claudia Lu00f3pez, por el manejo de la pandemia del #Covid_19 en la capital.
u2014 red+ noticias (@RedMasNoticias) May 12, 2020
A la plenaria de la Cu00e1mara tambiu00e9n deberu00e1n asistir el director de Planeaciu00f3n Nacional (DNP) Luis Alberto Rodru00edguez y el Gerente estratu00e9gico contra el COVID-19, Luis Guillermo Plata, anunciu00f3 el partido de gobierno.
u201cQueremos que se le explique al pau00eds quu00e9 estu00e1 pasando con la expansiu00f3n de los contagios, las compras de pruebas para detectar el COVID-19 en la ciudad y las entregas de las ayudas a las clases mu00e1s vulnerables que en las u00faltimas semanas han ocasionado bloqueos en algunos barrios del sur de la ciudadu201d, indicu00f3 el congresista.
Asimismo, dijo entre lu00edneas que la mandataria capitalina estaru00eda usando la pandemia para fines polu00edticos: u201cLa crisis de la pandemia del COVID-19 no puede tomarse con ligereza y quedarse en pugilatos y vanidades, la ciudadanu00eda demanda hechos concretos y resultados, que no pueden ser solo mensajes populistas para mostrarseu201d, sostuvo.
u201cVemos que en Bogotu00e1 se estu00e1 rajando porque se siguen disparando los contagios y muchos de los infectados se estu00e1n muriendo en las casas sin alcanzar a llegar a las Ucisu201d, concluyu00f3 Rodru00edguez.
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