Claudia López denied that the Duque Government has given markets


We have been for more than a month without receiving any support from the National Government to be able to support more markets ”, assured the president in RCN News, this weekend.

There he also highlighted the “enormous effort” that Bogotá has made to give “125,000 markets throughout the city” and “almost 500,000 monetary aid”, in addition to reverting to the issue of discounting public services.

We need more government support“Added Claudia López in the news, justifying that it is not that all the people who are failing to comply with the quarantine in the capital do so because they want to.


“There is a problem of indiscipline, but also of necessity,” said the mayor, explaining that these citizens go looking for money to eat, pay the rent and meet other obligations that do not wait.

These statements of the president were given in the midst of a balance that she made about her visit this Saturday to Kennedy, where decreed orange alert and took action because it is the town with the most COVID-19.


In the video it is observed how the 4 fishermen, once on the beach, coordinate to as u00ed free the great shark from the net and even flip it over and push it into the sea, after which they shout excitedly for the act that, immediately, allowed the fish to enter the waters of the Colombian Caribbean again.



This species of aquatic animal u201ces the largest shark in the world u201d and u201cel the largest fish in the sea u201d, and its presence u201c works as an indicator of the health of the ocean and ecosystems u201d, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) portal points out.


u201c Very high prices are paid for their guts, meat and oil. u00a0 Demand in international markets is high and whale sharks continue to be fished to meet this demand, especially in those areas where they are fished u00edas are not regulated or the regulations are not followed u201d, specifies that international organization.


For these reasons, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this species of shark is on the verge of extinction, WWF quote.

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In his column in The Spectator, Yohir u00c1kerman refers to a document dated January 20, which That newspaper had already been referred to in an article on April 14.And what does the columnist narrate? Ten elements that demonstrate that the Army's victims for false positives were carefully chosen and selected for certain traits u201d.



n n Imagen de referencia del Eju00e9rcito / Maru00eda Jimena Duzu00e1n n n



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This is a report that, according to u00c1kerman, was presented to the JEP by the Jos u00e9 Alvear Restrepo Collective (CAJAR) and the Committee of Solidarity with Political Prisoners, after those organizations heard 40 versions of 32 former members of the La Popa Battalion where they reviewed u201c146 victims who were extrajudicially executed between 2002 and 2005 u201d.


u201cThe selection criteria for deaths u201d, says the journalist in his opinion piece, It includes things as simple as being undocumented, having a background, being a minor, or low-income, like waste pickers and street dwellers.


In that u201cselection u201d u201d, the columnist continues, it included Indigenous people, people identified as being guerrillas or demobilized, disabled and LGBTI community.


And regarding the last thing, the opinioner emphasizes in the testimony given by a military man on December 7, 2007 in Valledupar, who u201cconfesso u00f3 who executed a young man who approached them to speak, simply because he looks u201c as gay u201d. The objective, what a novelty, was to present him later as a guerrilla killed in combat.


But u00c1kerman goes further and even relates these events to the investigation published by Semana magazine on May 1 and in which he points out to the aforementioned group of lawyers among the organizations that would have been illegally followed by members of the Army.


According to the communicator, u201cel Army was profiling, spying and sucking u201d the CAJAR u201c to know the strategy of defense of the victims of false positives u201d.



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But also, in his column, u00c1kerman insists on the question of u201cwho or who has been the recipient of this illegal information u201d and, immediately afterwards, draws attention to the u201ccercana u201d friendship between Senator Mar u00eda Fernanda Cabal and her husband, Jos u00e9 F u00e9lix Lafaurie, with Colonel Publio Hern u00e1n Mej u00e9rrez, who was commander of the aforementioned battalion when the aforementioned false positives occurred.


Finally, the journalist remembers that former President u00c1lvaro Uribe expressed, at the time, his support for Colonel Mej u00eda for the book he wrote in 2016 from prison, where the military man is serving a 19-year prison sentence for alliances with paramilitarism.

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With 10,627 deaths and 155,939 confirmed cases, Brazil is the Latin American country most affected by the virus, according to official figures that, in addition, make it the sixth nation with the highest number of deaths from the pandemic.


On the new balance, known this Saturday, Jair Bolsonaro has not spoken. Instead, the Brazilian president he was seen riding a jet ski on Lake Parano u00e1, which was on the banks of the most affluent neighborhoods and the official residence in the capital Brasilia, according to photos and videos disclosed by the news site Metr u00f3poles and replicated by large newspapers such as Folha de S. Paulo and Estadao.




Consulted by the AFP agency, The Presidency stated by email that it would not comment on the number of deaths from COVID-19.


Meanwhile, scientists project that the actual number of cases in Brazil could be more than 15 times higher, given the inability of the country to carry out generalized tests.



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The concern becomes more evident if we take into account 2 recent studies - carried out by Brazilian researchers, in alliance with major universities in the United States (Johns Hopkins) and the United Kingdom (Oxford) - which they indicate than Brazil will be the new global epicenter of the pandemic, u00a0cites the newspaper El Pa u00eds (Spain).


And is that, In the last 24 hours, the government of the neighboring country registered 10,611 new cases and 730 deaths, the second highest daily death toll, after the record recorded last Friday (751).


In this regard, the Brazilian Congress and the Federal Supreme Court declared a period of official mourning of 3 days.


The presidents of the Chambers of Deputies and senators asked the population to follow the recommendations of the health authorities to reduce the rate of infections while The country is preparing for u201c a safe and definitive return to normality u201d.


u201cThe way out for this crisis is in the union, the dialogue and the coordinated action -supported in science- between the powers, the institutions, said in a press release the president from the supreme court, Dias Toffoli.


Sao Paulo, a state in southeastern Brazil with almost 46 million inhabitants and the economic engine of the country, concentrates more than 3,600 deaths and more than 44,400 cases.


Resisting the pressures of Bolsonaro, who opposes the isolation measures due to their impact on the economy, Governor Joao Doria announced this week that he is extending the partial quarantine imposed since March until May 31, which includes the suspension of classes and the closure of non-essential shops to prevent the movement of people.


Neighboring Rio de Janeiro, where more than 16 million people live, follows with 1,653 deaths and 16,929 infections. U00a0 Governor Wilson Witzel will also extend the partial confinement measures until the end of May, as confirmed by his advisor to AFP this Saturday.


Less populated states like Cear u00e1, Pernambuco (northeast) and Amazonas (north) are already around a thousand dead each and they are seeing their ability to admit patients to intensive care units exceeded.



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As the contagion curve accelerates and the saturation of health services becomes imminent, Specialists recommend tightening confinement measures to contain the spread of the virus.


But such recommendations collide head-on with the president's speech and attitudes, who in the midst of the crisis dismissed his former Minister of Health due to differences in the handling of the crisis and has personally participated in street protests against the quarantine measures.


When the country had recorded 5,000 deaths from the virus, Bolsonaro replied, consulted by a journalist:


u201c u00bfAnd what? Sorry. u00bfWhat do you want me to do? I am Mes u00edas (middle name), but u00a0no miracles u201d.

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Dehiby Rodr u00edguez paid 150,000 pesos a month for rent in the Cazuca neighborhood, south of the city, but in this last month he could not collect that silver because he could not go out to sell reds, which is what he lives on, I told RCN News.


For the same reason, the owners of the house threw the belongings on the street and, Rodr u00edguez said in the news, and they were all damaged.


They damaged the little things for us. They [los propietarios] They disarmed everything, they threw everything because I can't force myself, I couldn't move anything, said the affected person, who was left on the street with her 3 children.



The woman, who assured in the environment that she has been displaced for some time and has not received help from the Government, requests that they let her work so that someone else can lease her a home.


For more than a month, the u00a0Government prohibited such actions during the coronavirus emergency, therefore, the Bogot 'sPersoner u00eda u00e1 enabled line 143 to report evictions.

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"," Seo ":" Mammas de Maluma, J Balvin and Carlos Vives tell their antics "}," phrases ": {" main ":" The mothers of this and other artists, including Carlos Vives and J Balvin, told Pulzo of their stories and moments that they filled them with pride. 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Alba Mery V u00e1squez, Adela Giraldo, Ana Marcela Carrera, Aracelly Restrepo, Marlli Arias, Patricia Jaramillo and Nelfa Perea, are the mothers of J Balvin (or u2018Josecito u2019, as she tells him), Sebasti u00e1n Yatra, Fonseca, Carlos Vives, Maluma, u2018Gusi u2019, u2018Goyo u2019 and u2018Slow u2019, respectively.


In the video that opens this note, they all related childhood memories and important moments of their children's careers and personal lives, which include from u00a0a bet and a u2018pela u2019 to a case of depression and the u2018volada u2019 from one of the famous because he believed he was a superhero.

n "," commercial ": {" promoted ": {" name ":" "," slug ":" "," color ":" "," facebook ":" "," image ":" "," imageletter ":" "," imageblack ":" "}}," directtv ": {" mobile ":" "," desktop ":" "," link ":" "}," Custom_fields ": {" Directv " : "", "Promoted": ""}, "you can also interest":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Actor colombiano denuncia a banco por desapariciu00f3n de millonaria suma de su cuenta","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Bancos en Colombia, imagen de referencia."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Marina Granziera aclara que su esposo no es el hijo de Javier Hernu00e1ndez Bonnet","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Juan Pablo Hernu00e1ndez y Marina Granziera"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Aura C. Geithner dio clase de seducciu00f3n en mini 'babydoll' y acariciando su cuerpo","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Aura Cristina Geithner"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Desconocido drama de Danna Garcu00eda en u2018Pasiu00f3n de Gavilanesu2019: u201cNo encontru00e9 una familiau201d","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Danna Garcu00eda"}], "idYoutube": "RdNfRtKyvDE"}, {"id": "PP895934", "titles": {"main": "The " lender u201d who will be linked to a company hired to improve Duque's image ", "facebook": "Among other things, he would have tried to buy properties confiscated from narcos, Coronell said.", "seo": "Coronell: firm partners in charge of Duque's positioning strategy"}, "phrases" : {"main": "It was mentioned by Daniel Coronell in his recent column on Du Brands SAS, which received $ 3.35 billion from the Government for the project of the President's image."}, "categories": { "main": {"slug": "nacion", "name": "Naci u00f3n"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nacion / coronell-partners-firm-charge-strategy- positioning-duke-PP895934 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" jimena.martinez "," name ":" Jimena Martiinez "}," owner ": {" id ":" ", "name": "", "image": "", "profile": "", "url": "", "twitter": {"title": "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook ":" "," email ":" "," linkPersonal ":" "," teamPulzo ":" "," short_text ":" "," large_text ":" "}}," published ":" 1 " ,"type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":1589096370,"updated":1589096767,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Daniel Coronell, periodista, e Ivu00e1n Duque, presidente de Colombia.","credit":"Instagram danielcoronell/Getty Images.","description":"Daniel Coronell revela socios de firma a cargo de estrategia de posicionamiento de Ivu00e1n Duque.","alt":"Daniel Coronell, periodista, e Ivu00e1n Duque, presidente de Colombia.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":" l-periodista-e-ivan-duque-presidente-de-colombia-420x278.webp","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"Columna de @DCoronell en #LosDanieles sobre empresa contratada para mejorar imagen del presidente Duque.","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Daniel Coronell","Ivu00e1n Duque"],"sources":[{"title":"El fundador","url":"","source":"Los Danieles "},{"title":"El hijo del jefe de campau00f1a de Duque trabaja en Du Brands","url":"","source":"Semana"},{"title":"Lu00edder del proyecto para mejorar imagen de Duque es hijo de su jefe de campau00f1a","url":"","source":"Pulzo"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

El periodista buscu00f3 los socios de esa Sociedad Simplificada por Acciones y, aunque u201cpor ley, las SAS no tienen que registrar pu00fablicamente los libros de accionistasu201d, encontru00f3 que Du Brands empezu00f3 llamu00e1ndose, en 2009, Du Mercadeo S.A., cuyo u201cmayor socio era una empresa llamada Grupo Empresarial Andino S.A.u201d, que tenu00eda entre sus u201caccionistas grandes a Carlos Eduardo Gutiu00e9rrez Villegasu201d.


u00c9l es el u201cprestamistau201d al que Coronell cataloga de u201cpolu00e9micou201d y entre sus antecedentes encontru00f3 que Gutiu00e9rrez u201cempezu00f3 su fortuna prestando plata a interu00e9s en el popular barrio Ricaurte de Bogotu00e1u201d y cuando tuvo dinero hasta patrocinu00f3 a polu00edticos comou00a0u00c1lvaro uribe Vu00e9lez yu00a0Germu00e1n Vargas Lleras.


u201cFue tal su efectividad prestando u2013y sobre todo cobrandou2013 que logru00f3 construir un imperio empresarial de miles de millones de pesos, con ramificaciones internacionales. Sus compau00f1u00edas mu00e1s conocidas han sido la Organizaciu00f3n Servimos y Factoring Servimosu201d, dijo Coronell, y puntualizu00f3 revelando los actos por los que dice que Gutiu00e9rrez es controvertido:


u201cAlgunas actividades de Gutiu00e9rrez han suscitado polu00e9mica. Varias tienen que ver con la compra efectiva, o el intento de compra, de propiedades confiscadas a narcos que controlaba la Direcciu00f3n Nacional de Estupefacientes. Otras con investigaciones a financiaciu00f3n de polu00edticos en la Corte Suprema de Justicia que derivaron en inspecciones judiciales a alguna de sus empresas. Nada de eso cuaju00f3 judicialmente. Su buen nombre sigue intacto. Lo cierto es que su presencia en el origen de la empresa tantas veces premiada por el gobierno de Ivu00e1n Duque, es algo definitivamente interesanteu201d.



Pero en su columna, el periodista no solo se refiriu00f3 a Gutiu00e9rrez, tambiu00e9n hablu00f3 de Pedro Sarmiento Charry, u2018Pipou2019, u201cla cara visible de la afortunada Du Brands SASu201d. Likewise, de Emanuel Echeverri (hijo de Luigi Echeverri, gerente de la campau00f1a presidencial de Duque), del que este mes, por una publicaciu00f3n de Semana, se supo era el lu00edder del proyecto de Du Brands SAS para mejorar la imagen del Presidente de la Repu00fablica, y le dijou00a0a Coronell no conocer los accionista de la sociedad.


Sobre ese contrato el Gobierno Duque dio algunas declaraciones, a travu00e9s de su asesor de Comunicaciones, Hassan Nassar, que entre sus explicaciones indicu00f3 que es falso que el contrato se haya pagado con la plata de la emergencia sanitaria que se vive por el coronavirus, pues los servicios de esta firma se prestan desde hace 2 au00f1os y se centran en hacer toda la comunicaciu00f3n digital de la Presidencia.


u201cEs la empresa que hace todo el contenido digital desde 2018. No es un nuevo contrato, en esta compau00f1u00eda trabajan mu00e1s de 40 personas que se encargan de toda la estrategia digital comunicacional de redes. Insisto, no son recursos nuevos, son recursos del au00f1o pasadou201d, afirmu00f3 Nassar a Pulzo.

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El tema lo trae a colaciu00f3n el u2018youtuberu2019 Daniel Samper Ospina en su video mu00e1s reciente. El jefe de Estado llevu00f3 a la doctora Lina como gran voz para hablar sobre el coronavirus.


u201cEn un capu00edtulo, por ejemplo, invitu00f3 a una cirujana plu00e1stica de vaginas, como gran voz cientu00edfica (u2026) experta en rejuvenecimiento vaginalu201d, dice Samper, y cuestiona si esto se dio con la idea de meterle u201cpicanticou201d al programa de TV del presidente y ganar mu00e1s rating.


En la hoja de vida de la doctora Triana se destaca que es cirujana plu00e1stica de la Universidad del Valle en Cali, especialista en cirugu00eda plu00e1stica estu00e9tica en Brasil, medicina para el manejo de la edad del Cenegenics Medical Institute, y rejuvenecimiento y diseu00f1o lu00e1ser vaginal del Rejuvenation Institute of America, Estados Unidos.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1.n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Nuevo u2018mensajitou2019 de Lu00f3pez al Gobierno por falta de apoyo para afectados por cuarentena



  • n n
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  • n




Pese a la cru00edtica de Samper Ospina, la mu00e9dica actualmente lidera la Asociaciu00f3n Colombiana de Sociedades Cientu00edficas, conformada por 64 organizaciones profesionales en salud y sus respectivas especialidades, describe La FM.


La doctora Triana, ademu00e1s, comenzu00f3 su administraciu00f3n en la Asociaciu00f3n desde abril pasado y su gestiu00f3n iru00e1 hasta el 2022. Segu00fan ella, su trabajo se centra en la uniu00f3n de los sectores de la salud en temas como excelencia, humanismo y responsabilidad.


u201cTambiu00e9n en lo relacionado con el liderazgo mu00e9dico, docente en pre y postgrado, investigaciu00f3n, educaciu00f3n mu00e9dica continuada, recertificaciu00f3n, atenciu00f3n del paciente y calidad del serviciou201d, seu00f1alu00f3 Triana cuando asumiu00f3 su cargo en la Asociaciu00f3n, en abril pasado.


Este es el video (minuto 2:30) de Samper criticando la participaciu00f3n de Lina Triana en el programa de Duque:




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u201cNo puedo mu00e1s de la risa ja, ja, ja, ja, mi mamu00e1 toda posudau201c, empezu00f3 explicando la u2018youtuberu2019 en el post de la grabaciu00f3n que compartiu00f3 en la plataforma, donde aparece junto a la guapa mujer.


u201cNecesito mostrarte algou201c, dice Nathalia en el video, en donde se acerca Alexandra y se ve cuando el ficticio animal empieza recorrer su cara, se mete en su nariz y luego camina hacia su frente.



u201cu00bfQuu00e9 estu00e1 andando por tu cara?u201c, le preguntu00f3 u2018La segurau2019 a su madre, quien al percatarse del animado insecto le dice: u201cu00a1Ay, no! Por quu00e9 me hace esto, idiota, estu00fapida, maricona de mierdau201c, y luego se ve que empieza a llorar por los nervios que le produjo el momento.


En el escrito, la u2018influenciadorau2019 reconociu00f3 que su mamu00e1 le u201ctiene fobia a las cucarachasu201d y por eso lloru00f3, pero ver sus lu00e1grimas no le impidiu00f3 disfrutar del momento.


Aquu00ed, el video:














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No puedo mu00e1s de la risa jaajajaja jajajajajajajaajajajaja, Mi mamu00e1 toda posudau2026 pero lo que no habu00eda visto era tremenda cucarachaud83eudd9fud83eudd22ud83eudd2e ELLA LE TIENE FOBIA A LAS CUCARACHAS, lloro y todo jajajajajaud83dude02ud83eudd23ud83eudd23ud83eudd23 y yo me puedo morirrr si veo una ud83eudd2eud83eudd2eud83eudd2e @alexa_mena1


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Medios como Vanguardia aseguran que la vu00edctima de la salvaje agresiu00f3n fue Ronald Antonio Cu00f3rdoba, un hombre de 40 au00f1os al que le propinaron un machetazo en su mano derecha en vu00eda pu00fablica del barrio San Francisco, el martes pasado.


De acuerdo con la versiu00f3n que el ciudadano extranjero les entregu00f3 a las autoridades, y que recoge ese diario, la pelea se desatu00f3 u201cluego de que lanzara piropos a una mujeru201d que era la compau00f1era sentimental del atacante, al que conocen con el alias de u2018Chinou2019.


Parte de la situaciu00f3n quedu00f3 registrada en un video aficionado, y allu00ed se observa cuando varias personas salen de sus viviendas para auxiliar al herido que permanece agachado en el andu00e9n.


El hombre fue trasladado a un hospital y las autoridades recogieron la mano y se la entregaron a los mu00e9dicos, que de inmediato se dieron a la heroica tarea de reimplantu00e1rsela.



Fue este viernes cuando se conociu00f3, por un reportaje de Semana, que un grupo de siete mu00e9dicos del Hospital Universitario de Santander se le midieron a la compleja cirugu00eda, y que 14 horas despuu00e9s la culminaron de forma satisfactoria.



La cirujana Genny Melu00e9ndez explicu00f3, a ese medio, que como la herida se produjo por un corte fino eso favoreciu00f3 el trabajo, pues la parte de la mano quedu00f3 intacta y no como cuando se produce un accidente en una mu00e1quina o molino.


u201cLa lesiu00f3n se realizu00f3 con un arma blanca que hizo un corte nu00edtido, en este caso fue con un machete, entonces procedimos a reimplantar el segmento amputado [u2026] la cirugu00eda de reimplante consiste en conectar los huesos, los tendones, las venas, las arterias y los nervios para que la mano no solamente vuelva a tener vida sino para que funcioneu201d, comentu00f3 la especialista.


Los mu00e9dicos creen que el proceso de recuperaciu00f3n pueda tomar poco mu00e1s de un au00f1o, pero advierten que todo dependeru00e1 u201cde la actitud del paciente para rehabilitarseu201d.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP895966","titles":{"main":"Nuevo u2018mensajitou2019 de Lu00f3pez al Gobierno por falta de apoyo para afectados por cuarentena","facebook":"Dice que llevan mu00e1s de un mes en las mismas.","seo":"Cuarentena: Claudia Lu00f3pez negu00f3 que Gobierno Duque haya dado mercados"},"phrases":{"main":"Du00edas despuu00e9s de decir que no hubo recursos de la Naciu00f3n para el subsidio en los servicios pu00fablicos de los bogotanos, la alcaldesa ahora hablu00f3 de los mercados."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/cuarentena-claudia-lopez-nego-que-gobierno-duque-haya-dado-mercados-PP895966"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jimena.martinez","name":"Jimena Martiinez"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 10, 2020 09:46 am","updated":1589103991,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1.","credit":"Getty Images.","description":"Claudia Lu00f3pez dice que Gobierno Duque lleva mu00e1s de un mes sin dar ayudas de mercados a Bogotu00e1, durante cuarentena por coronavirus.","alt":"Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Claudia Lu00f3pez","Ivu00e1n Duque"],"sources":[{"title":""Llevamos mu00e1s de un mes sin recibir ningu00fan apoyo del Gobierno": Claudia Lu00f3pez","url":"","source":"Noticias RCN","fuente":"Noticias RCN"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

u201cLlevamos mu00e1s de un mes sin recibir ningu00fan apoyo del Gobierno Nacional para poder apoyar con mu00e1s mercadosu201d, aseguru00f3 la mandataria en Noticias RCN, este fin de semana.


Ahu00ed tambiu00e9n destacu00f3 el u201cesfuerzo enormeu201d que ha hecho Bogotu00e1 para dar u201c125.000 mercados en toda la ciudadu201d y u201ccasi 500.000 ayudas monetariasu201d, ademu00e1s de volverse a referir al tema del descuento en los servicios pu00fablicos.


u201cNecesitamos mu00e1s apoyo del Gobiernou201d, au00f1adiu00f3 Claudia Lu00f3pez en el informativo, al justificar que no es que todas las personas que estu00e1n incumpliendo la cuarentena en la capital lo hacen porque quieren.



u201cHay un problema de indisciplina, pero tambiu00e9n de necesidadu201d, manifestu00f3 la alcaldesa y explicu00f3 que esos ciudadanos salen a rebuscarse la plata para poder comer, pagar el arriendo y cumplir con otras obligaciones que no dan espera.


Estas declaraciones de la mandataria se dieron en medio de un balance que hizo sobre su visita este su00e1bado a Kennedy, where decretu00f3 alerta naranja y tomu00f3 medidas porque es la localidad con mu00e1s COVID-19.

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