Christmas and New Years in a pandemic: how to celebrate with precautions – Government – Politics


The health emergency, which has been active since last March and was initially active until this November 30, was extended until February 28, 2021, to guarantee effective control of the pandemic in the country.

This also implies maintaining the selective isolation, which has been in force since last September 1, and which, according to the Government, meant moving from national measures to making selected specific decisions in places where there is a high risk or where there is negative epidemiological behavior established by the Ministry of Health.

But it is also a call to continue with self-care, self-protection.

This means that people should continue to wear masks, that social distancing and hand washing should be maintained.

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In addition to anyone with symptoms of the virus cannot be in public spaces or on the street. And it requires adherence to a strict quarantine in the event of a positive diagnosis.

However, all economic activities are still allowed in the national territory. Added to this is the fact that airports, inter-municipal and interdepartmental transport and national roads were restored.

The restrictions

Obviously, there are some matters that will remain prohibited or restricted until February.

That is how Public or private agglomerations are prohibited throughout the national territory (more than 50 people) and bars, discos and dance venues must remain closed.

In addition, there is the restriction of the consumption of liquor in public establishments or in public spaces. However, there is the possibility that mayors request a pilot plan for the consumption of liquors in public businesses.

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Land and sea border closures are also maintained, although this suspension may be lifted after an epidemiological analysis by the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior.

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President Iván Duque said that the decision to expand the emergency was made “based on the global reading of the alert situation, by virtue of the analyzes and by virtue of continuing to be on alert and transmitting information,” adding that it is being expanded to increase control of the pandemic in the country, as well as continuing to prepare vaccination schedules that will be consolidated towards the beginning of next year.

In any case, the president made it clear that local authorities must work hand in hand with the National Government to avoid a further increase in cases.

Likewise, Duque stressed that citizen discipline will be key, which is why he asked to maintain during December the good collective fraternal behavior, seen in recent months.

(You may be interested: They reveal the percentage of the population that had coronavirus in three cities)

