Christmas 2020: Novena of Christmas bonuses day 1 today December 16 in Colombia – People – Culture


Be attentive, because starting today, and until December 24, you will be able to read each of the days of the Novena of Strenna in EL TIEMPO.

The Archdiocese of Bogotá shares the order of prayers for the Novena de Aguinaldos.

1. Christmas Carol
2. Prayer for every day
3. Christmas Carol
4. Consideration of the day
5. Joys
6. Prayer to the Virgin Mary
7. Prayer to Saint Joseph
8. Prayer to the Child Jesus
9. Christmas Carol

(You may be interested: Man cares for almost 500 cats rescued from the streets in Indonesia).

Mi Burrito Sabanero, Juana, Animated Christmas Carol – MundoCanticuentosMi Burrito Sabanero, Juana, Animated Christmas Carol – MundoCanticuentos

Mi Burrito Sabanero, Juana, Animated Christmas Carol - MundoCanticuentos

Animated Christmas Carol: My Sabanero Burrito

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

Prayer for every day

Kind God of infinite charity, who so loved men, that you gave them in your Son the best pledge of your love, so that made man in the womb of a virgin, he would be born in a manger for our health and medicine.

We, on behalf of all mortals, give you infinite thanks for
such a sovereign benefit. In return to him we offer you the poverty, humility and other virtues of your humanized Son, pleading with you for his divine merits, for the discomfort with which he was born and for the tender tears he shed in the manger,
May you dispose of our hearts with deep humility, with fiery love, with total contempt for all things earthly, so that the newborn Jesus may have his cradle in them and dwell forever. Amen.(The Glory to the Father is prayed three times).

Fish In The River Animated Christmas Carol – WorldFish in the River, Animated Christmas Carol – World

Fish In The River Animated Christmas Carol - World

Animated Christmas Carol: The Fish in the River

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

First day of Novena

He sent them to say to the Lord: Are you the one who is to come, or should we wait for another? … And he answered them: go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the good news is announced to the poor (Lk 7, 19. 22).

At Christmas we commemorate the fulfillment of divine prophecies and the birth, in our land, of the Messiah, awaited for centuries. It is the time in which we celebrate the mystery of the incarnation, by which the Most High God becomes human,
he becomes so close that we can contemplate him as one of us, in solidarity in everything with our humanity, in solidarity with our joys and hopes, as well as our sadness and anguish.

Before the portal of Bethlehem we discover God in the poverty of the manger and in the fragility of a child. Thus the celebration of Christmas invites us always to recognize and serve Jesus in the weak, excluded and vulnerable of our world: in the sick, the poor, the migrants, the unemployed and those who now die from a pandemic or from violence in our country.

(Also: What will Christmas and New Years be like in other countries due to covid-19?).


First day of the Novena.

Many people with their generous and selfless service during the pandemic, doctors, health personnel, farmers, volunteers, etc. they have made visible
the presence of Jesus and his Kingdom of love in the midst of the pandemic.

The Gospel passage we just heard reminds us that God wants the sick to heal, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk. Only in this way does the hope in the definitive fulfillment of its promises become credible,
especially for those who are in the midst of pain and suffering. God is putting us in the mode or rhythm of merciful service.

Gathered as a family or in our parish communities, we need to accompany each other, comfort each other, console each other, help each other to cope with this difficult and demanding time that we are living. At the same time, we cannot leave aside those who are most alone because they do not have a family that surrounds them, accompanies them and in this way brings them comfort and healing.

How good it would be if during this novena and in the very celebration of Christmas, we could take care of those who perhaps feel loneliness the hardest and who experience the rigors of lack and suffering most strongly.

(Read on: Seniors offer math classes on the streets of Mexico).


My sweet Jesus, my adored Child,
Come to our souls! Come, don’t take so long!

(1) O supreme Wisdom1 of the sovereign God,
that to infantile reach you lower yourself sacral!
Oh Divine Child, come to teach us
the prudence that makes true wise men!

(2) O mighty Lord 2 than Moses speaking,
from Israel to the people you gave the commands!
Ah! come quickly to rescue us,
and may a weak Child show a strong arm!

(3) O sacred root of Jesse3, who on high
present to the orb your fragrant tuberose!
Sweet Child that you have been called
lily of the valley, beautiful flower of the field!

(4) Key of David4 that unlocks the outcast
the closed doors of the royal palace!
Take us out, O Child, with your white hand,
from the sad jail that sin made!

5) Oh light of the East5, sun of eternal rays,
May we see your splendor in the darkness!
So precious child, Christian happiness,
shine the smile of your sweet lips!

(6) Spotless mirror, Holy of Holies,
unmatched image of the Sovereign God!
Erase our guilt, save the outcast
and, in the form of a Child, gives the miserable shelter!

(7) King of the nations, Emmanuel!
I long for Israel, Shepherd of the flock!
Child you feed with a soft staff
now the surly sheep, now the meek lamb!


(8) Open up the skies and rain from on high
benefactor dew, like holy watering!
Come beautiful Child, come God humanized!
Shine beautiful star, sprout, flower of the field!

(9) 7 Come, Mary is already preventing her arms,
do your Child see, in near time!
Come, that already José, with sacred desire,
he is preparing to take your sacred love!

(10) From the weak help, from the suffering protection,
consolation of the sad, light of the exiled!
Life of my life, my adored Owner,
my constant friend, my divine brother!

(11) See my eyes of You in love!
Kiss your plants now! Kiss your hands now!
Prostrated8 on the ground, I stretch out my arms to you,
and even more than my phrases my cry tells you!
Come, our Savior, for whom we long,
come to our souls, come, do not take so longer!

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin mary

Sovereign Mary, because of your great virtues and especially because of your humility, you deserved that a whole God chose you as his mother, we beg you to prepare and dispose of my soul and that of all those who at this time made this
ninth, for the spiritual birth of your adored Son.

O most sweet Mother! Tell us something of the deep recollection and divine tenderness with which you awaited him, so that you will make us less unworthy to see, love and adore him for all eternity. Amen.

(The Hail Mary is said three times)

(You can see: The little Colombian pianist who leaves the country high in Europe).

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

O most holy Joseph, husband of Mary and adoptive father of Jesus! Infinite thanks we give to God because he chose you for such high ministries and adorned you with all the gifts provided to such excellent greatness. We beg you, for the love you had for the Divine Child, embrace us in fervent desires to see him and receive him sacramentally, while in his divine Essence we see him and enjoy him in heaven. Amen.(The Lord’s Prayer is said three times)

Prayer to the Child Jesus


Remember, oh sweetest Child Jesus!, That you said to the venerable Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament, and in her person to all your devotees, these words so consoling for our poor overwhelmed and suffering humanity: “Whatever you want to ask, ask for it for the merits of my childhood and nothing will be denied you “.

Full of confidence in You, oh Jesus, who are the same truth, we come to present all our misery to You. Help us to lead a holy life, to achieve a blissful eternity.

Grant us by the merits of your incarnation and your childhood, the grace of which we need so much. We give ourselves to You, O almighty Child!, Certain that our hope will not be frustrated and that by virtue of your divine promise,
you will welcome and respond favorably to our plea. Amen.

(Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit)

(Also: How and when will the star of Bethlehem be seen this Christmas?)

The Drummer, Animated Christmas Carol – WorldThe Drummer, Animated Christmas Carol – World

The Drummer, Animated Christmas Carol - World

Animated Christmas Carol: The Drummer

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

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