Chile’s mayor’s office burned after police killed juggler


Groups of protesters they erected barricades in different parts of the population of the southern region of Los Ríos, while the municipal building was burned an hour after the national curfew came into force due to the pandemic.

The fire It also affected the offices of the municipal post office and the Civil Registry, according to local media.

Other artists took to the streets to do performances in the middle of the barricades.

The street artist was shot dead after jumping on a policeman

In a video widely disseminated on social networks, you can see how the young Francisco Martínez is approached by police officers after allegedly resisting an identity check in the heart of that southern town.

While they were arguing, according to the recording, one of the officers points his gun at the young man and fires a warning shot. The artist is becoming more and more confused and lashes out at the policeman brandishing the knives he juggled. The agent opens fire on Martínez, who falls and dies on the asphalt.

The Carabineros police force, which has been questioned for the brutality with which it repressed the 2019 protests, indicated in a statement that the agents, “in safeguarding their own lives, decided and should have used firearms within the context of legitimate self-defense“.

“As a government, we regret the situation that occurred this afternoon in Panguipulli, where in a street incident that is being investigated a person died on the public highway after a police officer used his service weapon,” said the mayor (government delegate ) from Los Ríos, César Asenjo.

The events aroused a wave of criticism from the opposition and from human rights organizations, who reiterated the “urgency” to refound the police force. “We said that the Carabineros acts with the intention of harming, that must stop. That the tradition of impunity must be broken, including the entire line of command. That a deep and structural reform is necessary. The thing about Panguipulli shows once again that we were right, ”Ana Piquer, the director in Chile of the NGO Amnesty International, said on Twitter.

The autonomous National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) stated that “it is of utmost importance that the use of force is rational and proportional“.

He was quite respectful, a peaceful person, who always walked with a couple of dogs“Added the mayor of Panguipulli, Rodrigo Valdivia, on the local channel CNN Chile.
