Charged with femicide of Ana María Castro, he did not accept the charges


This Saturday the capture of Julián Valente Ortegón was legalized, whom the Prosecutor’s Office indicates as the determiner of the death of the 21-year-old girl. The hearing to continue with the request for a security measure will resume next Tuesday.

This Saturday the hearing to legalize the capture of Julián Valente Ortegón was held, indicated by the Prosecutor’s Office as one of the alleged implicated in the death of Ana María Castro, 21, who on March 5 was found on the street with a forceful blow to the head and died hours later in the Simón Bolívar hospital. Ortegón, who was captured last Friday and brought before a judge with a guarantee control function, did not accept the charges against him for the crime of aggravated femicide.

During the hearing, Ortegón’s defense requested that his capture be declared illegal. Its basis was that the deprivation of liberty of a person is done by warrant of arrest or by having been apprehended in flagrante delicto. Although the arrest warrant existed, for the defendant’s lawyer the reasons for the procedure were not sufficiently argued.

> READ: They capture an alleged person implicated in the femicide of Ana María Castro in Bogotá

“He was not caught in flagrante delicto and it is the duty of the Attorney General to be consistent with his request in fact and law. It is not true that Julián was caught in flagrante delicto. Due to the lack of legal argumentation, I consider that it is not valid for the legality of this capture to be imparted ”, assured Ortegón’s defense. However, the judge in the case did not reveal any irregularities during the arrest and declared the arrest legal.

Regarding the charges against Ortegón, the prosecutor in the case determined that the aggravation occurred because the 21-year-old was in a defenseless state, being in a high state of derangement at the time the events occurred. The punishable behaviors for which the Prosecutor’s Office accused the accused occurred in the early morning of March 5, 2020, in the town of Engativá.

“That day, you, the deceased person and two other men were chatting in a bar. They make the determination to leave the place and continue the party in their apartment. They decide to get in a vehicle to get to the Pontevedra neighborhood. When they move on that route, meters before reaching the place, they show that Ana María and Mateo are having libidinous behaviors inside the vehicle and due to the stereotypes they have about the behaviors that a woman should have in society, they go out of their way boxes and take aggressive behavior “, summarized the prosecutor during the hearing.

> READ: Someone is lying in the case of Ana María Castro Romero

After what happened, according to the account of the accusing entity, they stopped the truck to get Mateo out and then continue the route. “They close the door of the vehicle and continue the route, leaving her incommunicado with Mateo, with whom she had a previously arranged appointment. There is an argument and one of you hits him in the face, “added the prosecutor.

This, however, was not the blow that caused Ana María’s death. Later, the prosecutor says, they would have thrown her violently from the truck in which they were traveling, for which she received a forceful blow that generated a head trauma that ended her life. Ortegón did not accept the charges, so the hearing was suspended and will resume at 6:00 am next Tuesday, when the request for an assurance measure will be carried out.

On the day of her death, Ana María Castro was celebrating her 21st birthday, which had been February 16, 2020. Before her tragic death, the young woman was very excited about a makeup course that she had just started. In 2019 the young woman had started a career in Psychology at the Manuela Beltrán University, but decided to postpone the semester because one of her plans was to continue her studies or emigrate to the United States.
