
Immunity passports, no scientific evidence to back them up yet

[ad_1] There is no clear scientific evidence yet to back the immunity passport initiative. Even so, countries like Chile are betting on this path. Chilean citizens with face masks walking through the streets of Santiago on April 23. AFP Chile announced that it will begin implementing immunity passports to control …

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Nicolás Maduro increases the minimum wage in Venezuela

[ad_1] With the increase, workers will go from receiving 250,000 bolivars (about $ 1.45) to 400,000 bolivars ($ 2.33, that is, about 9,460 Colombian pesos) per month, according to the official exchange rate. The information was released by the Minister for the Social Labor Process, Eduardo Piñate, through his Twitter …

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What the planes will look like after the coronavirus

[ad_1] This is the case of an Italian company that believes it has found a viable solution to respect the distance in the planes and to reactivate the flights, according to Gizmodo. The company Aviointeriors works with cabin accessories for commercial aircraft and has created a model for economy class …

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NGO trains dogs to detect coronavirus

[ad_1] “We believe that dogs can detect the virus and that they will be able to quickly examine hundreds of people to find out who needs to be tested and isolated.” Guest stated. The British NGO, created in 2008 to use the keen canine sense of smell, started work on …

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Photos and videos of California beaches full despite pandemic

[ad_1] Several California beaches looked crowded this Sunday, after the lifting of some restrictions, although the confinement recommendations continue in force in this state and other parts of the USA. USA, where the coronavirus pandemic continues to advance inexorably and infections are approaching a million. County beaches Orange, in southern …

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Europe registers decrease in death toll from COVID-19

[ad_1] Italy, the second country worst hit by the coronavirus after the United States, presented 260 deaths in the last 24 hours; while Spain reported 288 new deaths from the outbreak, being the lowest figures for a month. In France, meanwhile, health authorities reported that deaths related to COVID-19 in …

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