
new cases and deaths today, October 1

[ad_1] At the start of the eighth month of the pandemic, Colombia reached 835,339 cases of COVID-19. Of that number of patients, 26,196 have died and 751,691 have overcome the disease. The virus arrived in the country 209 days ago and there are exactly 55,640 active cases, according to the …

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Corferias hospital dismantled due to coronavirus

[ad_1] Corferias reported that the Centro Oriente ESE Integrated Health Service Subnet, operator of the Temporary Transitional Hospital, delivered the facilities, which were used to attend to people with emergencies other than the coronavirus, so that hospitals would give priority to patients infected with the pandemic. According to the Secretary …

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Peak and plate in Bogotá in October 2020 – Bogotá

[ad_1] Bogotá begins October with a peak and a badge, which officially returned on September 22. The novelty, this month, is that on October 6, the economic offers will begin for those who do not comply with the vehicle restriction. The fine for transit will be 15 smdlv, which is …

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