
new cases and deaths today, November 12

[ad_1] The Ministry of Health confirmed today that Colombia reached 1,174,012 confirmed cases of COVID-19. In addition, it already has 33,491 deceased and 1,081,691 recovered. That means that on day 251 of the pandemic there are 56,254 active cases, a number that continues to fluctuate a lot. For the results …

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dry law and night curfew this Friday in Antioquia

[ad_1] After a meeting in which the mayors of Valle de Aburrá, the Government and the Ministry of Health participated, the authorities announced this Thursday the restrictive measures that will govern during the holiday weekend in Antioquia to contain the coronavirus. By virtue of the Colombia – Uruguay match and …

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Juan Carlos Osorio, positive for covid-19

[ad_1] The technical director Juan Carlos Osorio. EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A / Archive The former Atlético Nacional technician Juan Carlos Osorio it is positive for Covid-19. This was confirmed by Caracol Noticias and the journalist Esteban Jaramillo, who, through his Twitter account, referred to the health of the …

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