
They kill during robbery a vigilante who left his house

[ad_1] The man was intercepted by 4 criminals who were on two motorcycles, while He left his house located in the Madelena neighborhood, from the town of Ciudad Bolívar (south of Bogotá), Noticias Caracol reported. As recorded in the video of a security camera in the area, released by that …

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Gareth Sella: another victim of protocol omission?

[ad_1] A 24-year-old boy was injured in a new clash between protesters and police. As the investigations into how the events occurred, doubts are being sown about compliance with the guidelines to avoid these cases. Once the second peak of the pandemic was over, the demonstrations returned to the streets …

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They find a young man missing in solitude

[ad_1] Since Tuesday night, the Iglesias Ríos family has faced the drama over the disappearance of Ericas Paola, 20, but this Thursday the agony ended when they received devastating news: the young woman appeared lifeless and with signs of violence. The first to receive the discovery call was the woman’s …

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