cases of coronavirus infections in Colombia today Monday, May 11, 2020 | Economy


After processing 7,537 tests in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health confirmed 550 new infections with coronavirus on Monday, a figure that brings the total number of cases in Colombia to 11,613.

According to the entity, new infections were reported in Amazonas (191), Bogotá (150), Cartagena (56), Valle (36), Atlántico (26), Barranquilla (26), Magdalena (12), Nariño (10) , Boyacá (10), Bolívar (7), Antioquia (6), Cundinamarca (6), Quindío (4), Meta (4), Cauca (4), Huila (1) and Santa Marta (1).

On the other hand, it reported 16 more deaths from covid-19, bringing the death toll to 479, while the number of recoveries totaled 2,825.

-91 year old man in Cali
Comorbidities: lymphoma, HT, diabetes and obesity
-67 year old man in Bogotá
Comorbidities: HT, diabetes, coronary heart disease
-59 year old man in Bogotá
Comorbidities: diabetes, HTA
-70-year-old woman in Cali
Comorbidities: HTA
-68 year old man in Cali
Comorbidities: diabetes
-76-year-old woman in Bogotá
Comorbidities: Epoc
-A woman of 84 years in Barranquilla
Comorbidities under study
-78 year old man in Cartagena
Comorbidities: HT and ischemic heart disease
-68 year old man in Cartagena
Comorbidities: acute kidney failure
-92 year old man in Cartagena
Comorbidities: Epoc
-83-year-old woman in Cartagena
Comorbidities: heart disease and protein-calorie malnutrition
-A woman of 84 years in Leticia
Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure and diabetes
-74-year-old woman in Bogotá
Comorbidities: diabetes, HTA
-75-year-old woman in Cartagena
Comorbidities under study
– 82-year-old man in Leticia
Comorbidities: HTA
-88 year old man in Leticia
Comorbidities under study

In total, during the pandemic, 4,305 infections have occurred in Bogotá, Meta 927, Caquetá 16, Amazonas 718, Putumayo 1, Huila 179, Nariño 306, Cauca 51, Valle del Cauca 1,367, Tolima 130, Quindío 71, Chocó 28, Risaralda 216, Caldas 100, Cundinamarca 289, Antioquia 474, Córdoba 39, Sucre 4, Bolívar 742, Atlántico 1,022, San Andrés y Providencia 6, La Guajira 27, Magdalena 284, Cesar 72, Norte de Santander 99, Santander 42, Boyacá 77 and Casanare 21.
