Cases and deaths from coronavirus in cities and departments of Colombia today – Health


The Ministry of Health confirmed this Monday that the number of infections by covid-19 rose to 818,203, of which 68,308 are active. In the last 24 hours alone, 5,147 new patients were diagnosed with the virus, after 31,258 tests were performed.

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In addition, the most recent report from the health authority accounts for 153 deaths, which were registered in the last day, with which the total number of deaths due to the pandemic reached 25,641.

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As for the number of recovered in the country, it amounted to 722,536, of which 11,064 appear as new in the last report.

So far, the city with the most cases in Bogotá, where 265,576 positive cases have been reported.

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In fact, of the 5,147 new infections, 1,303 are in the country’s capital; 556, in Valle; 417, in Antioquia; 281, in Meta; and 217, in Cundinamarca, the most affected territories according to the report of this September 28.

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