The entity asked the residents of the capital who were in that area to they had enough caution, Well, as seen in the videos, the water got out of control.
In the event of an emergency, Transit units and Firefighters had to be assigned to try to control the situation.
The Mobility secretary suggested to the cars going east-west take race 50 north, when they were on the South Highway.
It is recommended for vehicles going east – west to take Carrera 50 north on the South Highway.
– Bogotá Transit (@BogotaTransito) March 23, 2021
The images that were taken of the place give an account of the emergency. The traffic jam on Carrera 30 was monumental and the cars could not advance before the lagoon that was formed after the heavy downpour in Bogota
Videos that have gone viral on social media They show a stranded taxi, a trapped red car and several vehicles with water covering their wheels.
There were several motorcyclists affected that they had to push their vehicles to get out of the water body.
Snail News reported that the firefighters had to arrive at the scene to rescue vehicles.
Even the men of the Police they got into the water to push a minivan that got stuck by the waters.
Our units of @TransitoBta They attend to emergency due to flooding, on the main avenue of Carrera 30 with 6, we will continue working for the good mobility of our road users. @Policetransit @PoliceColombia @MobilitySector @Bogota @ClaudiaLopez @MinTransporteCo pic.twitter.com/zcF2LAHP31
– Bogotá Traffic Police (@TransitoBta) March 23, 2021
Videos of the floods in Bogotá:
#The last | Due to a heavy downpour, Carrera 30 was flooded in Bogotá.
Relief agencies rescue several vehicles that were trapped. Authorities recommend taking alternative routes https://t.co/bmwaj1sAWr pic.twitter.com/qFRVEomNmZ
– News Caracol (@NoticiasCaracol) March 23, 2021
#Attention | Due to the heavy rain in Bogotá, the NQS with 7th street, in the south – north direction, is flooded. pic.twitter.com/8wbSUMG4sq
– red + news (@RedMasNoticias) March 23, 2021
NQS with 6. pic.twitter.com/TAmyYly9rP
– DON TRINO (@ trinito92) March 23, 2021
This is the panorama at this time on Avenida NQS with sixth street after the heavy downpour that falls in some areas of Bogotá #VocesySonidos pic.twitter.com/yWnAGgPL6P
– BluRadio Colombia (@BluRadioCo) March 23, 2021