Carnival of Barranquilla is postponed by covid-19 – Barranquilla – Colombia


The Carnival of Barranquilla 2021 was postponed. This was announced on Monday morning by the Mayor of the District, Jaime Pumarejo, who said that more decisions will be made in this regard.

(Read also: Carnival of Barranquilla 2021 is shaping up to virtuality)

Next year’s parties, which were scheduled between February 13 and 16, were undated due to the situation of the pandemic in the city and the country, as indicated by the president.

“The party is postponed. The party will not be in February, we do not know when it will be, we do not know if it will be in 2021. What we know is that there will be no Carnival in February“Jaime Pumarejo told Emisora ​​Atlántico.

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The mayor of Barranquilla added that it is still premature to decide if it will be done next year. What he did insist on is that in February traditional festive events are ruled out, given the impossibility of doing them.

For now, they will prepare in the future a meeting between the Mayor’s Office and Carnaval SAS to make new decisions “when necessary.”

As the analysis that the District has been doing on the immediate future of carnival advances, he pointed out that “the important thing is to understand first that Carnival is a cultural tradition rather than a party,” Although this “generates an economic impact that, of course, the city values, nobody lives a year from what he did in four days ”.

According to Jaime Pumarejo, the idea is to find a way to count on those expressions, without endangering people’s health. In this way, they would seek to return to Carnival as it was at the beginning, at home, “more intimate”, valuing cultural matters above all.

(We recommend: This is how the pandemic hit the public finances of Barranquilla)

In this sense, each home will know how the groups are prepared, the traditions they keep, the feeling of the dances, the meaning of the costumes, the reason for the music.

Although for now the indicators of the virus are under control in the city, the District reported that it values ​​the analyzes that multilateral organizations have been making on the effects of the virus in the world, according to which for each month of epidemic societies take one year to back to normal.

A hard knock

“With the realization of the virtual carnivals, we did not see a clear picture either, because we live from massive events and while the order of meetings of maximum 50 people is preserved, the contracts for boxes are not viable,” said Eliana Gómez, a dedicated businesswoman to the boxes.

The aforementioned business, which generates thousands of direct and indirect jobs, is not limited to the four days of Carnival. Previous celebrations such as La Guacherna, or events in municipalities in the Atlantic, represent important revenues. Even end-of-the-year meetings like the Great Parade of light.

“It is a series of losses that we have, because while the situation is solved, we continue to pay personnel, maintenance and rental of warehouses for these structures. It is logical that life prevails over business, that we have no other than to continue waiting for that everything is normalized and wishing that people understand and take care of themselves, “added Gomez.

