Carlos Queiroz and his reaction to the leak of an informal talk about the Sebastián Villa case


Since the end of last March and until these days the name of the Colombian footballer Sebastián Villa, from Boca Juniors,
He has been involved in a repetitive controversy for being accused of gender violence against Daniela Cortés, his ex-girlfriend. And that theme moved to the Colombia selection,
since in the last hours a conversation was leaked after the press conference, in which Carlos Queiroz
He was talking about the issue with the FCF communications managers Juan Raúl Mejía and Héctor Marín.

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Given the noise that was caused on social networks and in the media by this leak; Queiroz published a trill on his Twitter account on Monday night.

“In the face of any misunderstanding that results from the audio, partial and private, after the press conference, I reaffirm publicly and unequivocally, as I did at the conference, the conviction that any trial and media conviction does not replace the primary function of justice” , wrote the Colombian coach.

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Earlier, in the afternoon and in contact with the press, the Portuguese had given his opinion on Villa. Thus he commented that “we share with Boca Juniors, the AFA and the authorities about Villa’s case and he was on the list of the 42 who were blocked, then whether he is ready or not is something else. Yesterday he played and I see a Colombian player with a lot of quality, but if he is ready to play in Boca, he will surely be a player who will be on our radar ”.

It should be noted that Carlos Queiroz summoned 24 players and the concentration has already begun in the city of Barranquilla, thinking about what the matches will be against Uruguay and Ecuador, on the next 13 and 17 November, in Barranquilla and Quito, respectively.

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