Carlos Manuel Vesga: twice on TV – Cinema and Tv – Culture


Due to the emergency that the planet is experiencing, the police characters of the actor Carlos Manuel Vesga were found in the stellar strip of Colombian television.

This is Sergeant Andrade, from General Naranjo, which airs at 9:30 p.m. m. through the Caracol channel, and that of Samuel Medina, Marbelle’s father in True love, the biographical series of the artist that repeats RCN at 9 p. m., after the recorded chapters of their hit series of the night were finished, To love you and Nurses.

And, although they only meet for half an hour, the rating of both is almost the same, because while General Naranjo marks an average of 10 points, Sincere Love reached last Thursday at 9.8 points.

This makes Vesga smile. “The thing is half schizoid! But I feel lucky that my work (the old and the new) continues to be valid. Both are characters that I loved very much and, although –to make things even more surreal– they are both police officers, they are very different, and people have received them with much appreciation, ”he comments.

Andrade, from General NaranjoHe is a discreet man, a shy officer who is always available to the general in production based on the life of the uniformed man.
He is a simple man who has no desire to star. He always carries a notebook in which he records everything so that nothing is forgotten and, although he was from the administrative part, Naranjo took him out of there and made him an important part of his intelligence team.

The actor liked all its nuances: “That it be few words and discreet put me in the ideal setting to build a character full of wealth. I like that he is not the most cunning, but he is practical and with that ele elemental logic ’. He has a sense of humor and is sometimes not fair, but he always seeks justice (those contradictions are fascinating to me). I like that he has tics (laugh). And so, basic, elemental, it is endearing ”.

These facets (shyness, discretion) were the starting point to make Andrade a reality: “It seems little, but from there you can get a lot. Also, work with my colleagues had a lot to do (The actor’s work is always ensemble, and this project was especially based on that conformation between actors), especially with Brian Moreno and Christian Meier (the latter, General Naranjo). It was with them, for example, that the quality of Andrade’s comedy developed, which was not in the scripts, but occurred on the set, with them, ”he says.

Vesga was born in Bogotá in 1976 and as a child he was linked to art, as he was part of the theater group at his school, and took a step through music. After postponing his architecture career, he traveled to New York and studied at the Lee Strasberg School.

That it be few words and discreet put me in the ideal setting to build a character full of wealth. I like that he is not the most cunning, but he is practical and with that elementary logic

Through his different characters (he has acted in La Pola, Escobar, the patron of evil; Pure blood, I’ll wait for you there and I prepay it, among others, and in theater he was recently in The truth, of the National Theater), Vega has demonstrated trade and work. “Being an artist is a privilege, and the key to being one and to continue being it is to never lose the capacity for wonder or availability to the game. Acting is playing seriously, “he says.

He adds that making characters of life trades is very attractive, “Life or death (police, doctors, journalists, etc.). The challenge, I think, is that they are human and do not fall into stereotypes. That they are people (with dimensions, with qualities and shortcomings). That’s what allows viewers to empathize. ”.

And, although General Naranjo was first broadcast by Netlifx (it was made by Fox Telecolombia), he likes it now on open television, but more than “it is good to take a pass on our history (especially when you have the distance of time , which allows us to better understand the facts), but it is also good to throw that past, emphasizing not the villains, but those who persecuted them. ”

These days, Vesga is like everyone else: at home. And he thinks that “this period of quarantine and what will follow should be used to reflect on our lives. How we were living them and how we should start living. For me, for example, one of the lessons is that you can live with less, that we must be more austere and humble ”.

