Carlos Holmes Trujillo dies: President Duque decrees three days of national mourning – Government – Politics


Due to the death of Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo, President Iván Duque decreed this Tuesday three days of national mourning.

The president assured that these days of mourning are also in honor of all the victims of covid-19 and that it should be a moment of reflection on the part of all Colombians.

According to the report of the Central Military Hospital, released by the Presidency, at 01:53 am on January 26, 2021, he died Carlos Holmes Trujillo García, who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit, for his severe viral pneumonia disease caused by sars-cov2

(Can read: Carlos Holmes Trujillo, the man, the politician, the statesman)

The Defense Minister had been hospitalized since January 11 in the city of Barranquilla and entered the Central Military Hospital on January 13. On January 15, he was transferred to the intensive care unit due to acute deterioration of his lung function.

The decision to declare national mourning is made when personalities with great importance in the history of a country die, when natural catastrophes occur, among others.

(You may be interested: Consternation in the Democratic Center for the death of Carlos H. Trujillo)

During these days decreed by national mourning The National Pavilion will be hoisted at half mast in all public buildings in the country and the Colombian Embassies abroad.

With this duel it is arranged that the Ministry of National Defense take the measures so that all the garrisons are paid the corresponding military honors in his memory.

(We suggest: Petro’s condolences for the death of the Ministry of Defense)

For his part, the President of the Republic, accompanied by his cabinet, may attend solemn funerals.

During the national mourning, the civilian population can also join in the mourning commemorations by hoisting the national flag at half mast in their homes and workplaces.

On the other hand, General Luis Fernando Navarro (Minister of Defense in charge) announced that all the military and police garrisons will mourn for five days and hoist the national flag at half-mast.

The last time a national mourning was declared in the country was for the terrorist attack perpetrated on January 17, 2019 at the Francisco de Paula Santander Police Cadet School.

On December 7, 2018, President Duque decreed a national mourning for a period of three days to honor the memory of former President Belisario Betancur.

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