‘Canelo’, James Rodríguez and more couples of Shannon de Lima


The athlete – who in the last month of 2020 became popular in searches with the ‘Canelo’ vs. Smith (here is an ABC on what you need to know to understand and enjoy boxing) – He has had famous romances, including with the aforementioned Venezuelan model, whose relationship did not last six months.

However, the couple did manage to make public declarations of love, including several on Instagram, where they even claimed to love each other.

This was the courtship of ‘Canelo’ and Shannon de Lima

The rumors of their relationship They started in 2017, shortly after she split from singer Marc Anthony.

Some began to notice intersections of messages on Instagram between the model and the boxer, but they They did not confirm their romance until June of that year, at an event in the United States., to announce a fight of him, and to which they arrived together, they held hands and gave kisses, regardless of the media cameras.

Several of those moments was recorded by ‘Al rojo vivo’ in a YouTube video, which can be seen below and included statements from the two celebrities. ‘Canelo’ Álvarez told the program that “what is seen is not asked,” to confirm his then courtship, while Shannon de Lima said she was very happy in that relationship, because, among other things, the boxer was “sweet” and “loving.”

But that idyll ended before the end of 2017 And, in November of that year, the Venezuelan referred to her love affairs with ‘Despierta América’, although she did not speak as much about ‘Canelo’ as she did about her ex Marc Anthony.

From the boxer he managed to recognize that his courtship was a “quickie”, because, in his words: “Sometimes you don’t know people and it doesn’t work”.

However, she also expressed that, for her, ‘Canelo’ is a “very good person” to whom he has “a lot of affection”.

Here are a couple of photos of Shannon de Lima and the boxer when they were dating:

Fake images,
Fake images,

Shannon de Lima and her marriage to Marc Anthony

In the same interview with & # 39; Despierta América & # 39;, the model denied that he divorced the singer for the famous kiss he gave with his ex-wife Jennifer López, at the 2016 Latin Grammy Awards.

Additionally, he recalled that their relationship was three years of boyfriends and two years as husbands, and that they met thanks to a mutual friend who presented them in Las Vegas, at the 2011 Latin Grammys.

Later, she also denied that she and Marc Anthony had signed a confidentiality agreement not to speak about each other after their separation, that he gave her a pension or that they took her badly, because she even explained that he “was very important” in her life, they are “very friends” and her son considers the artist as his other father.

“Sometimes things don’t work out, but I really appreciate it. We are friends. […Antes del beso con ‘JLo’] we already had about a month apart. Things didn’t work out. We got along very well and suddenly things weren’t working the way we wanted ”, was part of the statement of the famous in the program, as you can hear in the following video with her full interview, where she highlighted having good relations with her ex.

A reunion between Marc Anthony and the Venezuelan she speculated in 2020 about a break between her and the footballer Colombian James Rodríguez.

However, the issue remained as one more rumor in the lives of these celebrities since, later, she was one of those who supported the athlete after Ecuador’s defeat of Colombia, in one of the qualifying matches for the Qatar World Cup. 2022 November 2020.

Shannon de Lima and James Rodríguez’s relationship was confirmed in 2019, for, among other details, some images of them together, when he was a Bayern Munich player.

Already after other photos of them were known sharing in celebrations like the end of the year at that time, but in general they have tried to be very reserved with their courtship.

These are two shots of the couple:

Screenshots Instagram stories shadelima.
Screenshots Instagram stories shadelima.

Who is the father of Shannon de Lima’s son?

The father of the son that the model had at 19, Daniel Alejandro Sosa, his name is Manuel ‘Coko’ Sosa.

In October 2019 his name became popular, as it circulated again that He is a sympathizer of the Maduro regime and Chavismo and was sentenced to just over 4 years in prison, “For crimes of corruption in Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)”, according to information from Primera Hora in 2017.

It is worth mentioning that, according to People, the Venezuelan has also dated Rommy Gianni, founder and captain of the Monte Carlo Polo Team, as he himself points out in his profile on his Instagram account.

Likewise, in the past they related it with the Venezuelan politician Henrique Capriles, pointed out this last medium.
