Cali: Clandestine Rumba ended in tragedy with the Police | Colombia today – Cali – Colombia


The incidents occurred around midnight on Sunday, when calls for a party and the presence of an armed person were answered in a sector of the Aguablanca District, in the east of the capital of Valle del Cauca.

Family of the man who died says that he was delivering food on request and did not confront the police.

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A patrol from the Police Quadrant reached 108th Street with Carrera 26K in the Manuela Beltrán neighborhood.

The official report says that “the community informs them about a man with a
fire, they go to the sector and observe a person with the same characteristics, they approach him to perform the search. Immediately afterwards, he objects and enters a residence. Subsequently, he leaves it and wields the firearm against the integrity of the patrolman, who in reaction activates his firearm to neutralize him. ”

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Some of those present entered the house and others stayed in a discussion with the police. Then, in the midst of confusion, there was a shooting.

The police report says that some residents in the sector attacked the patrol, fired shots and threw blunt objects at them.

The uniformed men requested support from the other quadrants. The patrol vehicle was reported as total damage due to the community attack.

In the facts, a man died who, according to the Police, was carrying an industrially manufactured firearm and activated it. He was taken to the Carlos Holmes Trujillo hospital, but in the emergency room he was pronounced dead.

The man’s family assures that he was delivering a custom meal and was killed by the police. It was then, when several people attacked the patrol cars, that they called for reinforcements.

(We recommend you read: El Tambo and Algeria: the frontier of fear in the Colombian Pacific)

In this case, two civilians and two policemen were injured, who were taken to the emergency room of different health centers.

