Cali: Alert for increased covid-19 infections without quarantine – Cali – Colombia


Coronavirus infections continue to grow in Cali. According to the municipal health secretary, Miyerlandi Torres: “We had an average of 350 to 400 cases. Today we are in a report of 450 to 500 (in one day) ”.

The rate of contagion has increased amid the easing of measures. Now the challenge of the return of alternating schools begins, but the universities remain in doubt and would remain, for the most part, with virtual classes.

Secretary Torres pointed out that the Rt (effective number of reproduction) indicator rose, with transmission speed, going from 0.84 to 0.96 and now to 1.0. Last week it was 0.93.

“Today we got a little over 1; obviously (…) if the protocols are not followed, we will continue to increase and, surely, that could lead to hospitalizations and deaths, “he said.

He also said that sites have been reviewed after the reopening. “They were very attached to compliance. However, 20 days after starting their duties they have been a bit relaxed; we see many people on the street without the proper use of masks. ”

However, the occupancy of intensive care unit (ICU) beds is 43%. In the Valley, 33% are occupied by cases of covid-19.

The official said that an increase was expected until October, when the flexibility occurred, but it is necessary not to lower the guard among businessmen, merchants, employees and citizens for the protection of life.

Students from the Icesi University, in southern Cali, had returned to their laboratory practices in August of this year, after a pact for life with the Mayor's Office.

Students from the Icesi University, in southern Cali, had returned to their laboratory practices in August of this year, after a pact for life with the Mayor’s Office.


Juan Pablo Rueda. TIME

The Secretary of Government, Carlos Rojas, said that during the weekend, compliance with protocols in supermarkets, bars and others that cannot ignore the rules were inspected. He warned that what is not wanted is to go, again, to measures such as quarantine, but citizen support is required.

This Monday, September 28, in Valle del Cauca 556 new infections were reported for a total of 61,637. There were 17 more deaths in Valle. In Cali, 13 and one, in Buenaventura, Yumbo, Jamundí and Palmira.

Although in the hospital network of the department the alert was lowered from orange to yellow. Now ICU beds will be released because occupied they are worth 5 million pesos.

“With these first three weeks of September and keeping the average thinking, that it will not decrease due to people’s behavior, we will selectively close the ICU beds of the expansion plan because they are not needed,” said the Secretary of Health of the Valle, María Cristina Lesmes.

(Read also: The commuter train in Cali with trains running every 7 minutes)

The Secretary of Health of Valle del Cauca added that the region comes on a plateau of contagion cases. They have not dropped, but the community has been unconcerned, perhaps because as of this month, the National Government lifted the restriction of mandatory preventive isolation throughout the national territory.

Read also: 19-year sentence of a serial abuser in Cali who left no trace)

In the education sector, despite doubts, as of Monday, September 28, some 200 private schools, with 75,000 students in the city, activated the pilot plan of alternating days.

The return to the universities was subject to the return of students, especially in laboratories with full protection.


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