Caldas reached 125 deaths from covid-19: four this Tuesday


THE COUNTRY | Manizales

The Territorial Directorate of Health of Caldas reported on Tuesday 179 new infections of covid-19, in addition to four deaths: two in La Dorada and two in Supía.

The department adds 5,792 confirmed cases, of which 3,252 have recovered, 2,407 are still active (35 hospitalized and 34 in ICU). 125 people have died in Caldas from the virus.

The new cases were reported in Aguadas (2), Anserma (7), Chinchiná (11), La Merced (1), La Dorada (11), Manizales (103), Marmato (8), Palestina (3), Pennsylvania ( 1), Risaralda (1), Riosucio (3), Salamina (1), San José (3), Supía (16), Victoria (1), Villamaría (7) and Viterbo (1).

In the country


Colombia added 5,839 new infections of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on Tuesday and reached 824,042 infections, although active cases fell to 62,307, corresponding to only 7.56% of the total, reported the Ministry of Health.

The health authority pointed out that during the day 187 deaths from the covid-19 disease were registered, which brought the number of people who have died from coronavirus in the country to 25,828, that is, 3.13% of patients.

In contrast, the number of recovered reached 734,154 people, equivalent to 89.09%.

Regarding the deaths reported in the last 24 hours, of which 164 correspond to previous days, 45 occurred in Bogotá, followed by the departments of Antioquia (31), Valle del Cauca (21), Santander (17), Cesar (14) and Cundinamarca (8).

The positive note of the day was the department of Atlántico, which was the main focus of the pandemic in Colombia between last June and July, and which today did not register any death for the first time in almost six months.

“What a joy that in the Atlantic after six months of fighting the coronavirus today we finally register zero deaths from COVID-19. All the prevention measures that we have implemented and the great commitment of our people has made it possible,” said the Governor of the department, Elsa Noguera, on Twitter.

On the other hand, the highest numbers of new infections were today Bogotá (1,592), Antioquia (1,307), Valle del Cauca (482), Santander (427), Cesar (244) and Huila (202).

The health authorities processed 34,479 samples in the last 24 hours, 21,684 of them type PCR and 12,795 of antigens, with which there are already 3.7 million COVID-19 tests carried out in Colombia.

The regions with the highest numbers of coronavirus cases in Colombia are Bogotá, with 267,170 cases; Antioquia, with 114,193; Atlantic (67,492); Valle del Cauca (62,118); Cundinamarca (33,310); Santander (30,976); Bolívar (28,810), and Córdoba (23,946).
