Brutal attacks on two women in Cali and Nariño even with fire for ‘drop by drop’ – Cali – Colombia


Two women, one in Cali and the other, in a municipality of Nariño, are fighting for their lives, after suffering brutal attacks.

One of them is Aidé Alpala, a humble lady who lives in San Jose de Albán, a municipality located in eastern Nariño.

There, strangers They set her house on fire with her inside and burned 70 percent of her body.

His story, which the official of this town, William Noguera, made known, began with a loan to a ‘drop by drop’, a type of bankruptcy with high monthly interests.

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The loan would have been requested months ago and although the amount was not specified, the figure could exceed a quarter and a half million pesos.

Doña Aidé would have been paying the fees, but, according to the versions that the personero Noguera knew, the ‘drop by drop’ arrived and have been making claims to their victim. Last week there was a heated discussion with Doña Aidé’s children.

They demanded payment and the fight would have arisen, apparently, because the fee did not satisfy the collectors and because the payments were being delivered too late.

Given this, neighbors heard that two collectors of the ‘drop by drop’, who were on a motorcycle, launched a threat to the lady to take more radical measures.

It was like this that at dawn last Thursday, the same neighbors heard Dona Aidé’s screams and saw her house burning in flames.

The woman was helped by the community, while firefighters tried to calm the conflagration. Now, Mrs. Aidé continues to fight for her life in the medical assistance center, where her prognosis is reserved, taking into account the severity of the burns.

Like Doña Aidé Alpala, Yesenia Montaño remains under a reserved prognosis, after a man attacked her in the south of Cali and inflicted 14 sharps injuries on her.

(You may be interested in: He stabbed a woman 14 times and then attacked her again in the hospital

In this story, the authorities handled two versions. The first that this woman and mother of a family had been attacked in the street, on December 9, when she was on Carrera 66 with Calle 2 Oeste, in the area of ​​the hillside of the capital of Valle del Cauca.

Then he went to the hospital that is located in that sector, Mario Correa Rengifo, who is at the public level and from the departmental order.

The same aggressor broke into the scene to attack, again, his victim.

The second version is much more complex and is part of the investigation that the authorities have been handling.

Yesenia Montero was stabbed 14 times in the same hospital.

According to this second version, he was with his daughter and had gone to a medical appointment with her.

Meanwhile, the Cali Health Secretariat with the Police and the hospital have been analyzing the admission protocols in this healthcare center in the southwest of Cali.

According to the authorities, the alleged attacker of Yesenia had some relationship with her.

Femicides increased in Cali in a year

With concern, the undersecretary for Gender Equality of the city, Nancy Faride Arias, stated that the Prosecutor’s Office He reported 21 femicides so far this year in the capital of Valle del Cauca and there are 10 days left until 2020 ends.

In all of last year there were 14 femicides typified by the same Prosecutor’s Office.

“Part of the explanation has to do with the directly proportional increase in violence against women in the confinement stage. Really for a woman to live with an aggressor 24 hours a day and under the same roof is already an element that exacerbates all the conditions of her victimization, ”the official explained.

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He added that if the woman does not have the possibility of going out to request help, to report or to request some support, then a double vulnerability is generated for her, an impossibility.

For this reason, the Undersecretariat for Gender Equality set up two lines of attention, one 24 hours, so that they would be the most expeditious means, with which they can call the Police with health, with the Family Prosecutor’s Office.

These hotlines are from Casa Matria 350 8032031 (during the day) and 310 5162760 (24 hours a day).

The hotlines for women who are victims of violence in Cali, offered by the Mayor’s Office, are from Casa Matria 350 8032031 (during the day) and 310 5162760 (24 hours a day)

“We advise women, we listen to them and we activate that attention path,” said Undersecretary Arias.

I also note that another aspect is the generalized violence in Colombia. “Death is a very daily matter and the aggressors who generate this type of violence find an environment conducive to impunity because, in addition, there are not so many cases that have been resolved, prosecuted and imprisoned,” he said.

Also: “Then, these processes, perhaps due to the congestion of the judicial system, have been slow processes that, precisely, what women demand is severity in those processes so that there are exemplary sanctions. This is also another factor that creates an environment among the aggressors, they feel that nothing is happening and that they can continue to be calm in the world, with attacks on women, injuring their body, their being and even murdering them. That is the wildest expression of all these violence ”.

