Bolívar attacks Uribe in his Semana column


“Senile dementia or pure cheek?” Gustavo Bolivar to Álvaro Uribe after referring to the letter in which the former president gives “a series of advice to Joe Biden to guide its international policy. ” He did it through the space that Semana gave him as a guest columnist in his most recent edition.

Bolívar said that “in the twilight of his career”, Uribe “wants to continue influencing politics”, but not only in Colombia but abroad and proof of this is the letter he sent to the president-elect of the United States.

In ‘Uribe el triste’ (column title), the senator of the Colombia Humana movement mocks Uribe’s recent statements, where he affirms that he is saddened by “the deterioration” of his reputation in the country.

The congressman is “terrified” by the fact that Uribe “is sad for the deterioration of his image” and not “for his medical record.” In that same paragraph, Bolívar refers to Uribe as “the former president, former senator and ex-convict “.

Throughout the text, the also journalist and television scriptwriter makes reference to various crimes (paramilitarism, corruption, ‘jacking’, irregular award of contracts, association with drug trafficking, etc.) allegedly, according to him, Uribe committed during his government (2002-2010).

But perhaps the most infamous were the false positives. More than 6,000 innocent young people were shot and disguised as guerrillas in order to show the press and the world that Uribe was winning the war against the Farc, ”Bolívar pointed out in his column.

It is precisely in that fight against the Farc that Bolívar finds the turning point of the political career of Alvaro Uribe, as the guideline to fight the guerrilla was the one that helped choose him as President In 2002.

“Uribe knew how to capitalize on the frustration of the Colombians by offering them a definitive solution: the annihilation of the guerrilla group. He quickly climbed into the polls and the nightmare began”, Wrote the congressman, in Semana.

For Bolívar, in the last 18 years since Uribe took power as president, he himself “Built an abominable image”. That same image, according to the senator, is the one that saddens Uribe today (who public a trill speaking to respect).

Later, Bolívar speaks of the “Goebbelian strategy” that he entrusts to Uribe in the face of the 2022 elections. The congressman says that the former president “already knows that he will lose the elections”, but that “he is trying to scare Colombia with the figure of Gustavo Petro ”.

There comes the moment when Bolívar leverage your platform to praise your presidential candidate: his friend, also senator Gustavo Petro, of whom he says (without explaining how) “will rebuild Colombia and contribute to the world to stop change climate”.

Finally, Bolívar made the reservation that he agreed to write in Week as an act of “solidarity for the dismissed columnists” (they themselves reported that they voluntarily resigned, not that they were fired) and that for the column published in that medium they did not charge “a only weight”.
